资本成本率 《投资式管理》第三章 事半功倍——从成本到资本5

How to outsource to strengthen the core competence to achieve more?


 In 1995, one of my companies was literally running Motorola University (MU) in Singapore. Motorola believed in the need to train their suppliers, staffs and sales distributors so as to achieve a full value chain of six-sigma quality. They had factories and operations all over Asia and MU’s role was to educate their target audience.


However, MU was a lean operation with less than 6 full-time staff. How do you train so many people in so many places? How do you get top-notch consultants and trainers to deliver the training without the heavy fixed costs? How do you market MU and get the target audience to pay for the participation? In short, how do you make MU a profit center while achieving its corporate objectives?



I advised MU to outsource this operation to a third party and get them to do all the other work while MU focused on the certification and quality control of the trainers. MU’s core competitive advantage is their proven and effective training programs. MU should not lose focus on that. The other processes of securing customers, co-ordinations, promotions and logistical works were outsourced to our training company. After all, the company had been doing all these work for the past 10 years and managing MU was just an extension of their program portfolio. The training company underwrote all the costs of running MU and they split the profits.


For MU, there were no upfront risks or cash outlays. As for the training company, their costs went up marginally but the profits shot up by many folds. The training company talent-scouted the trainers; MU trained, certified and monitored them. MU achieved its corporate objective; the outsource partner got their fair share of profits and the target audience got their benefits. MU continued to enhance their competitive advantage by training and improving their faculty members.

对摩托罗拉大学而言, 没有风险或现金费用。对培训公司来说,虽然成本有所上升,但利润却成倍增长。培训公司发掘有培训需求的人,由摩托罗拉大学培训、认证和指导他们。摩托罗拉大学达成了公司的目标;外包的承包伙伴也得到了他们的利润,而目标客户也受益不少。摩托罗拉大学通过培训和增加师资不断提高他们的竞争优势。

The onus is on the investment-minded managers to identify the right outsource partner who can do the job profitably. Managers and business operators must admit what they do or should do best and what other processes are best to be outsourced. This way, funds are conserved and invested in areas that give the biggest bang for the buck.

What are you doing to outsource your non-core tasks to strengthen your competitive advantage?




1. What did you realize from this chapter “From Cost To Productivity”?

2. What would you do to increase your productivity and profitability?

3. What are you doing to get rid of cash depleting liabilities and to increase cash generating assets?

 资本成本率 《投资式管理》第三章 事半功倍——从成本到资本5
4. What are you doing to address your costs challenges to improve productivity?

5. What are you doing to get rid of loans, interest charges and to lure capital injection?

6. What are you doing to outsource your non-core tasks to strengthen your competitive advantage?

7. What specific actions you will take and when?

8. How will you monitor your progress?


1 读完本章“事半功倍”后,您学到了什么?

2 如何提高生产效率和利润率?

3 如何摆脱消耗现金的负债而增加产生现金的资产?

4 如何应对成本挑战,提高生产率?


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/9101032201/369451.html


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