考研英语优秀作文2016 考研英语优秀作文


考研英语优秀作文:Provide a Better Life for Senior Citizens

Now we have a growing population of senior citizens. To ensure happy lives for them has become a focus of attention. Our traditional respect of the aged needs updating. They deserve respect, understanding, coMPAnion, entertainment and so on.

There are many things to be done to honor senior citizens. In cities, senior citizens should enjoy some privileges, such as special seats on buses, reduced fares for entertainment and traveling, and other benefits. We should do everything to solve their practical problems, to warm their hearts, and to make them happy. In addition, we should find some ways to pi'ovide affordable medical health care,which is of vital importance to them. Besides, there should be recreation halls and care- centers for the aged. Most important of all, the state should ensure a decent pension for them, peasants in particular. In the vast countryside, most aged people are financially supported by their sons, whose life is aperpetual struggle against poverty. What can they do if they are childless?

Senior citizens, parents in particular, need our love and deserve the best care. Respecting senior citizens bears vital importance to the family - planning policy in China. If we do our best to honor ourparents and the aged, our children will follow our example.


the cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of an optimistic mindset. definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. an optimistic mindset can help us achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. by being optimistic. we can face challenges and surmount hardships with confidence,keep sober and figure out effective measures even in desperate situations. to further illustrate the importance of being optimistic, i would like to take beethoven as a case in point: how could he, a great german music composer who became deaf at his forties, compose so many enduring and classic symphonies without optimism?

accordingly, at no time should we overlook the power of optimism. once coming across frustrations and intending to give up, we should remind ourselves that it is optimism that will finally lead us to turn the corner. “the optimistic sees the rose, and the pessimistic sees the thorn.” a philosopher once said.


from the table chart given above, we can observe that it reflects the statistics of students’ graduation intention. from 2004 to 2012, the proportion of students who are determined to further study increased rapidly from 45% to 76%. during the same period, the percentage of students who are willing to work after graduation remains steady.

the table chart informs us of the phenomenon that students in increasing numbers are willing to further study after graduation. what exactly contribute to this phenomenon? reason can be listed as follows: for one thing, facing with intense competition in the employment market, quite a few students regard further study as a buffer. moreover, they are convinced that a higher education will put them in a competitive position in the future employment market. their decision could also be attributed to the power of so-called “group dynamics”: when their friends and classmates choose to study after graduation, they will be influenced easily and imitate others’ behaviors.

by observing the tendency of the past, we may forecast that the proportion of further study will continue to rise. however, students should bear in mind that a higher education will not guarantee them an ideal job. it is capabilities and skills that determine their future.


the cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of modesty. definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target. moreover,a modest people are more likely to be fitting in, win others’ trust and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship. to further illustrate the importance of modesty, i would like to take newton as a case in point: how could he, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, discover the law of momentum conservation if he was simply content with the achievement of finding three laws of motion ?

accordingly, at no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishments, instead , we need to keep an open mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new knowledge and seize new opportunities. “success consists in industry and modesty.” a philosopher once said.

考研英语优秀作文:How to Organize a Picnic

A picnic is a pleasure trip in which food is taken to be eaten somewhere outdoors. It can either inelude or exclude barbecue. It can be on the beach, on the river bank or even in the woods. No matter where it takes place, it brings great joy.

For a picnic to be well organized, you should first prepare the necessary foods, including meat,bread, drinks and so on. Of course the picnic basket should also be taken into consideration. In addition, you should bring with you several disposable pieces of plastic tablecloth, which can serve as the table when spread out on the ground. If you plan to have a barbecue at the same time, you should also prepare a grill and fuel. Generally, the most desirable fuel is charcoal. It is a good fuel to use in the grill because it burns slowly and gives off great heat. You should also bring some slender pointed pieces of bamboo or iron so that small pieces of meat can be strung together for easy cooking.

The material preparation above is necessary, but it is not enough. Another important thing to think about is' how to dispose available manpower for the activity properly. In other'words, you should appoint different people to be the leaders in charge of different things so that when the picnic begins, they can have a good cooperation, thus making the activity smooth and pleasant.

There is one more thing which you can never forget. You should always be aware of the need to protect the environment. To achieve this, you should avoid making a fire under the trees that can easily catch fire. At the same time, when the picnic comes to an end, collect the waste and throw it in the rubbish heap.


考研英语优秀作文2016 考研英语优秀作文

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/258761/668179053.html


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