越狱第一季剧本1 老友记第一季剧本


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Prison Break Season 1 Episode 1

- That's it.

- Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute?

- You're an artist, Sid.

- You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and I'm never going to see it again.

- There's a good chance of that, yes.

- Most guys, you know, for the first one, they start with something small.

- "Mom", girlfriend's initials, something like that.

- Not you.

- You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months.

- Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.

- I don't have a few years.

- Wish to hell I did.

- The vault. Open it.

- We can't. The branch manager's not here.

- Where is he?

- It's lunchtime. He's at White Castle.

- White Castle?

- It's a fast food restaurant.

- They serve those little square burgers.

- I know what it is.

- I'm not playing games. Open it.

- Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.

- Don't you think it would be better...?

- This is the police. You are completely surrounded.

- Put down your weapon.

- Put down your weapon now.

- Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest.

- Are you sure about this, Mr. Scofield?

- I'm sure, Your Honor.

- Your Honor, we'd like to recess if we could.

- My client's a bit confused at the moment.

- - I'm not, Your Honor.

- He is, Your Honor.

- Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice,

- take some additional time to consider your response.

- I've already done that, Your Honor.

- I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing.

- Court's recessed until 1:30.

- Come on, Let's go.

- Uncle Mike?

- I didn't want you to come.

- Go home, LJ.

- I didn't want you to see this.

- He's not gonna take this well.

- Can you blame him? He's your nephew.

- He's beginning to get that anybody he attaches himself to is gonna end up in prison...

- and he's not the only one who's starting to feel that way, Michael.

- Will you give us a minute?

- One minute.

- Don't you understand?

- You just put the book in that woman's hand

- and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade.

- Justice and punishment are the same thing to her.

- I know.

- Then will you please tell me what's going through your head?

- We've been over this.

- I've known you my entire life.

- You don't have a violent bone in your body,

- and I know you didn't need the money.

- Veronica.

- Why won't you let me help you?

- You've been good to me. My whole life, you have...

- but you've gotta let me deal with this. Okay?

- Given your lack of prior criminal conduct,

- I am inclined toward probation.

- However, the fact that you discharged a deadly weapon

- during the commission of the crime suggests malice to me.

- For that reason,

- I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield.

- It says here that you've requested to be incarcerated

- somewhere near your home here in Chicago.

- I'm willing to honor that.

- The closest level one facility to...

- Level one?

- That's maximum security, Your Honor.

- I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me.

- As I was saying,

- the closest level one facility would be Fox River State Penitentiary.

- As for the term of your sentence, I'm setting it at five years.

- You'll be eligible for parole in half that time.

- Sentence to be carried out immediately.

- All right, people, step inside the door and check yourself for bugs.

- When you hear the knock, step out. Keep the line moving.

- We ain't got all day to get this done.

- No more talking in line.

- Move it. You got less than five minutes to take a shower.

- Keep the line moving. Keep it moving. Move it. Right now.

- Let's go. Move, move.

- Next!

- Next down in the banks, dress. Let's go.

- Name and back number.

- Scofield, Michael. 94941.

- Are you a religious man, Scofield?

- Never really thought about it.

- Good, 'cause the Ten Commandments don't mean a box of piss in here.

- We got two commandments and two only.

- The first commandment is you got nothing coming.

- What's the second commandment?

- See commandment number one.

- Gotcha.

- You talking out the side of your neck?

- Come again?

- I said, are you being a smartass?

- Just trying to fly low, avoid the radar, boss.

- Do my time... and get out.

- There isn't any flying under my radar.

- Good to know.

- Hey, can a brother get some air conditioning up here, coach?

- It's hotter than a crack ho's mouth, man.

- To hell with the A.C., man. Give me the crack ho.

- Come on!

- Yo, Fish! What you looking at?

- You look kind of pretty to be up in here, man.

- Fish!

- I suggest you take a seat, Fish.

- Ain't nothing to do up in here but serve time.

- Ain't nobody gonna serve it for you.

- Welcome to Prisneyland, Fish.

- You wanna talk about it?

- No, it's not worth talking about.

- If it's keeping you up, it is.

- Oh, it's just...

- it's nothing, you know.

- Michael's case.

- You did the best you could.

- Yeah, but he didn't.

- He just sort of rolled over. He didn't put up a fight.

- It's not like him.

- I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about him.

- Hey, if it's on your mind, it's on your mind, right?

- Good night.

- All wings, guard coming out.

- All wings, guard coming out.

- Trey Street Deuces got the hoops.

- Nortenos got the bleachers.

- Woods got the weight pile.

- The C.O.s got the rest.

- I'm telling you,

- the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place.

- The only difference between us and them...

- is the badge.

- Who's the pet lover?

- He'll deny it, but he's D.B. Cooper.

- Parachuted out of a plane 30 years ago with a million and a half in cash.

- Doesn't look like the type.

- Who does?

- Hey! What up, Wholesale? You okay?

- Gonna be greater later.

- Yeah.

- What you doing with this fish, man?

- He's my new cellie.

- Wholesale's got it wired up out of commissary.

- Anything you want, he can get it for you.

- You keep handing out my jacket,

- I swear I'm gonna bust your grape.

- Man, you couldn't bust a grape in Napa with a set of cleats on.

- What are you talking about?

- Man, you want to bump your gums.

- Oh, no, no. Now you're talking, talking, talking...

- I'm looking for someone.

- Guy named Lincoln Burrows.

- Linc the Sink?

- That what they're calling him now?

- Yeah.

- As in, he'll come at you with everything but the kitchen... Snowflake.

- Where can I find him?

- Man killed the vice- president's brother.

- and in a month, he's getting the chair,

- which means no one up this river is more dangerous than him,

- 'cause he's got nothing to lose now.

- What are they gonna do? Kill him twice?

- There a way I can get to him?

- Oh, no. The only time those boys get out is for chapel and P.I.

- - PI? What's that?|- Prison Industry.

- The guys that get along, get to work.

- You know, painting, scrapping, making mattresses, you name it.

- I wouldn't get excited, though, if I were you, Fish.

- You ain't sniffing none of P.I.

- Why's that?

- 'Cause John Abruzzi runs it.

- John Abruzzi John Abruzzi?

- John Abruzzi John Abruzzi.

- Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow?

- Because he's my brother.

- They denied the motion.

- Then do it again.

- I can't. That's it.

- May 11. That's the date, man.

- That's the date they, uh... you know... execute me.

- I know.

- I didn't kill that man, Michael.

- The evidence says you did.

- I don't care what the evidence says. I didn't kill him.

- Swear to me.

- I swear to you, Michael.

- But how did they get it wrong then?

- The courts, the appeals...

- Don't know. Don't know.

- I keep thinking, looking back on it is, uh... I was set up.

- And, whoever it was that set me up

- wants me in the ground as quickly as possible.

- What's another word for "love"?

- What's the context?

- Oh, you know.

- The "I love you so much

- "I ain't never knocking over a liquor store again" context.

- Except, you know, classy.

- Mmm.

- I'm proposing to my girl, if you gotta know.

- In a letter?

- You got a better way?

- Face- to- face works pretty good.

- This place ain't exactly the romantic spot.

- I'm gonna have her go get on the Staten Island Ferry.

- Then, once she can see the Empire State Building,

- She opens the letter.

- It's like almost being there.

- Except for the fact that I won't be there.

- Try "passion."

- Ooh! Ooh! "Passion. Passion" That's dope. Passion.

- How do you spell that? Is it "pash..."?

- No "h"?

- LJ, hold up. Hold up.

- I don't think I can go through with this.

- Everything's going to be fine. Trust me.

- We understand each other, then?

- Yeah.

- Friday. Not Saturday. Not Sunday. Friday.

- Totally understood.

- I don't want hundreds, I don't want fives, I don't want ones.

- I know, I know.

- Tens and 20s only.

- It's on.

- Police!

- Abruzzi, I need you to hire me a P.I.

- Beat it.

- Maybe you ought to hear what I got to say.

- You got nothing I need.

- Wouldn't be too sure of that.

- My mistake.

- Just what I need... a duck.

- A P.I., Abruzzi.

- You might find I can be of more assistance than you think.

- Mull it over.

- Come find me when you're ready to talk.

- All right, guys, pick it up!

- I want to get home tonight!

- Maggio.

- Yeah? So?

- That's the son of a bitch at fingered Abruzzi.

- That's Fibanacci?

- I thought the punk was gone forever.

- Evidently, somebody found him.

- Somebody messing with us?

- This you're not gonna believe.

- What is it?

- Tattoo looks fresh.

- I guess, being a diabetic, you don't mind needles.

- I'm Michael, by the way.

- Scofield. I read your report.

- And you are?

- Dr. Tancredi will do.

- Tancredi like the governor?

- You're not related, are you?

- Wouldn't think you'd find the daughter of Frontier Justice Frank working in a prison.

- As a doctor, no less.

- I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem.

- Mmm. "Be the change you want to see in the world."

- What?

- Nothing. That was just my senior quote.

- That was you?

- This whole time, I was thinking it was Gandhi.

- You're very funny.

- Sit tight.

- Put direct pressure on that. I'll be back in a sec.

- So, how do we play this?

- You hook me up with a few weeks' supply?

- Nice try.

- No hypos on the floor.

- I'm the farthest thing from a junkie. Trust me.

- I got news for you, Michael.

- "Trust me" means absolutely zero inside those walls.

- The only way you're getting that insulin is if I'm administering it.

- Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other, then, huh?

- I guess so.

- We're all clear on the Burrows execution.

- Good.

- Except for one thing.

- Bishop McMorrow is not in the fold.

- He's got a lot of influence with the governor.

- They went to prep school together, apparently.

- Look, the closer it gets,

- the more I'm worried that the bottom

- is going to fall out of this whole thing.

- Well, maybe it's time you arranged a visit with the good bishop then.

- Look, in one month,

- it will all be over.

- The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men

- and be crucified

- and the third day, rise again.

- And they remembered his words, and so should you.

- Good day, gentlemen. May God be with you.

- Michael.

- Why?

- I'm getting you out of here.

- Burrows, roll it up. Happy hour's over.

- It's impossible.

- Not if you design the place it isn't.

- Too formal.

- Too greeting card.

- We gotta make a decision sooner or later, you know.

- We have time;

- We don't, actually.

- I mean, at some point, we gotta pull the trigger on this thing.

- I don't want to rush this.

- We're only going to do it once. We have to get it right.

- Honey, can I ask you something?

- Of course.

- Are you putting this off?

- What do you mean?

- I mean, are you having second thoughts?

- No. Honey, no.

- I'm not.

- I don't know.

- I just can't help thinking this is about...

- It's not.

- I love you...

- and I want to be your wife.

- Passion? What were you thinking?

- Hey, you went for it.

- She probably thinks I went sissy up in here.

- "Passion." Got more than one syllable, too much talkin'.

- That's me from now on.

- One- syllable Sucre.

- Yes. No. Love. Hate. Love.

- - Give it time.

- Are you kidding?

- I proposed to her.

- That doesn't take time. Si or no. One syllable, man.

- She's supposed to come around for a conjugal on Tuesday.

- She's always calling me beforehand, letting me know she's coming.

- This time, man, I ain't heard a peep.

- You spooked her.

- Scofield... get it together. Pope wants to see you.

- No good, Fish.

- No one gets an audience with the Pope.

- Not unless he's real interested in what you got going on.

- Top of your class at Loyola.

- Magna cum laude, in fact.

- I can't help wondering what someone with your credentials

- is doing in a place like this.

- Took a wrong turn a few months back, I guess.

- You make it sound like a traffic infraction.

- Like all you did was turn the wrong way up a one- way street.

- Everyone turns up one sooner or later.

- The reason I called you here...

- I noticed in your I- file, under occupation,

- you put down 'unemployed.'

- That's not true, now, is it?

- I know you're a structural engineer, Scofield.

- Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a

- monument to his undying love for his wife.

- My wife is quite fond of the story.

- It appeals to the romantic in her.

- Being married to someone in Corrections...

- terrible job.

- Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

- And yet, in 39 years my wife has never complained.

- And the worst part about it is, I've never thanked her.

- So, because I couldn't say it,

- I thought, you know, I could build it.

- Come June, it's our 40th anniversary.

- But here, look...

- you see, the problem is...

- I build anymore,

- it's all gonna come down like a house of cards.

- That's where I was hoping you could be of assistance.

- For the favor, I can offer you three days of work a week in here.

- And it'll keep you off the yard.

- I can't do it.

- Son, it's better for me to owe you one in here than it is for you to owe me one,

- I can promise you that.

- I'll take my chances.

- Then we're through here.

- Guard!

- Two pounds of pot?

- What were you trying to do, set a record?

- It's not funny, LJ. You could be going to jail.

- It's pretty obvious to me you need some guidance.

- Hey.

- Thanks.

- From who, old Daddy Warbucks?

- Give him a chance. He's a good man.

- We got nothing in common.

- Where is this coming from, LJ?

- Last semester you were getting almost all A's and now...

- It's your father, isn't it?

- I don't have a father.

- It wasn't an immaculate conception, honey. Trust me.

- Maybe it's time we went and saw him.

- Mom...

- Ma...

- Don't.

- I'm about as excited by the prospect as you are,

- but something's gotta give.

- You have got too much potential to be screwing up your life like this.

- What if they'd sent you to Taylorville or Marion and not here?

- I think I'd be doing the same thing I'm doing here.

- Eating Jell- O, drinking Kool- Aid...

- I know what you're doing.

- It's not luck of the draw that you're in here with Lincoln.

- You forget I know you. Both of you.

- You two have the most dysfunctional idea of love I've ever seen.

- What, he beats you up to keep you off the streets,

- so you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him?

- To what?

- Save him?

- I deserve to know. I loved him as much as you did.

- Past tense for you, maybe. Not me.

- I gave him a shot when I got back from college. I did.

- Even with all the stuff that was going on with him,

- I did everything I could to make it work. And he threw it away.

- You ever think maybe he was hurt that you left in the first place?

- Don't do this.

- Whatever it is you're doing, don't do it.

- There's a better way. I'm already appealing your case.

- I told you to leave alone...

- I've gotten in touch with the diocese about Lincoln. The bishop...

- That won't stop it. It'll only delay it.

- You want to do something?

- You find out who's trying to bury him.

- Nobody's trying to bury him.

- The evidence was there.

- The evidence was cooked.

- Visiting hours are now over.

- Take care of yourself.

- Someone wants him dead, Veronica.

- Something more is going on here.

- This is desperation, Michael. You're grabbing at straws. You're in denial.

- Maybe. But I can't watch him die. I won't do that.

- Gentlemen...

- What is it about the Burrows situation that I can help you with?

- It's our understanding that you have great influence with the governor.

- I wouldn't say it's great or influence.

- We're friends.

- It's also our understanding that you oppose the death penalty.

- I'm a man of God. How could I not?

- In this case, we're hoping you'll suspend that position.

- At least temporarily.

- If the inmate appeals to me for intervention,

- how can I turn my back on him?

- You have a habit of answering a question with a question.

- And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions.

- Are you saying you won't do it?

- I'm not a man to equivocate.

- You're what...

- 62 years old now, Your Excellency.

- That's right.

- I would assume, then,

- that you'd be well- versed in how our government's tax system works.

- Taking personal capital gains under the church's tax shelter...

- well, that would be fraud, wouldn't it, Your Excellency?

- I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs.

- Not by you or anyone else.

- Admirable.

- Good day, Excellency.

- Mr. Kellerman...

- What is it about this case that the Secret Service is so interested in?

- The man killed the vice- president's brother.

- - What'd he say?

- You heard me.

- Someone found Fibanacci.

- I'm looking at the photos right now.

- Son of a bitch has a beard, sunglasses...

- Witness Protection, if I ever saw.

- Who was this someone?

- There's no return address on the envelope.

- Just... this folded- up bird made of paper.

- Like origami?

- Yeah, like that.

- Like origami.

- You're Charles Westmoreland, right?

- Do I know you?

- I knew your wife before she passed.

- - You knew Marla?

- You mean Anne?

- How'd you know her?

- We talked together in Boston.

- - You mean West Wilmington?

- No more tests.

- I promise.

- Seems you know everything about me.

- - Who are you?

- Michael Scofield.

- How'd you get it in here?

- First off, she's not an it.

- She's Marilyn and she's grandfathered

- back from the days when prisoners were allowed a creature comfort or two.

- I heard you were D.B. Cooper.

- Every new fish comes in here,

- first thing they hear,

- is that Charles Westmoreland is D.B. Cooper.

- I'll tell you like I tell them...

- You want the Cooper story?

- I can't give it to you, 'cause I'm not him.

- It's too bad.

- Sort of wish it was true. The man's a legend.

- Nowhere near as much as I wish it was true, friend.

- I'd have a million- five waiting for me on the outside.

- I'd put some grass under 'em if I were you.

- This thing would go a whole lot easier if you'd just hire me.

- What is this all about?

- Say you were able to get outside those walls?

- Would you have the people in place to make sure you disappeared forever?

- - Just curious.

- Where's Fibanacci?

- That's not the way it works.

- They come at me, John...

- I'm coming after you.

- I doubt it.

- Fight, fight, fight...

- I totally misjudged you, Scofield.

- I didn't think you were agitating type.

- Behavior like that will not be tolerated in my prison.

- 90 days in the SHU!

- That ought to be enough time to convince you of that fact.

- 90 days.

- That's right.

- Something you want to say?

- It's just...

- I'm not of much value to you in the SHU.

- Value?

- Hm- mm... the Taj.

- It'd be a shame for the 8th wonder of the modern world to collapse

- because the stress is improperly propagated.

- Improperly propagated?

- Improperly propagated.

- The joints are overloaded.

- They won't provide anywhere near

- the sheer strength the completed structure will need.

- How much work are we talking?

- You want it by when, in June?

- Yes.

- Then we'd better get started, wouldn't you say?

- Who's there?

- Bishop McMorrow was killed last night.

- Someone shot him while he was sleeping.

- I thought you'd want to know.

- Thanks.

- Michael was right.

- Sink, you got a visitor.

- He was arrested.

- For what?

- Possession of marijuana.

- I figured he could use some fatherly advice before it's...

- Gone forever.

- I didn't mean that.

- I know you didn't. Thanks, Lisa.

- Sit down.

- Dope, huh?

- Using or dealing?

- What's the difference?

- Then what, you, uh,

- think it gives you some kind of street cred?

- You got a piece of the good life. Take advantage.

- Look, I get it.

- The whole thing.

- She drags me in here,

- you give me a big speech, I walk away a changed man.

- Straight "A's."

- Harvard. Grow up and be a dentist.

- It's better than being here.

- You got to realize who's getting punished

- when you're doing the things you're doing.

- You think it's me; it's you.

- I did the same thing- -

- punished the old man 'cause he was gone.

- Look where it got me.

- I'm not asking you to love me.

- I already screwed up that chance long ago.

- I'm asking you to love yourself.

- You can still put the brakes on this thing.

- So, that's what fatherly advice is like.

- Where are you going?

- I got homework.

- They're putting me to death, LJ.

- In a month's time, I'll be dead. You get that?

- You're already dead to me.

- Yes.

- What? You mean yes yes?

- Yes! Yes!

- Yeah!

- Oh, there's just one thing.

- Of course.

- My mom say we gotta wait till you get out.

- Of course, mi amor.

- She wants it to be in in a church.

- Okay. Esta bien.

- A Catholic church.

- Wouldn't want to mess with the Catholic roots, would we?

- You went to Loyola.

- You've been checking up on me.

- I like to get to know my patients.

- I went to Northwestern. Graduated two years after you did.

- Maybe we met before- - you know, drunk, out at a bar somewhere.

- I would have remembered.

- - That a compliment?

- No.

- What?

- Your blood glucose is at 50 milligrams per deciliter.

- So?

- That's hypoglycemic.

- Your body's reacting to the insulin like you're not a diabetic.

- You're sure it's Type One diabetes you've got?

- Ever since I was a kid.

- All right.

- You're not experiencing any tingling sensation, cold sweats or...

- Infirmary.

- Yes.

- Yeah. I did.

- No, I did and I do; I need them.

- Okay. Um, great, well, I'll call him after lunch, then.

- Thanks; I'm with a patient. Okay.

- I'd like to run some tests next time you're in.

- Last thing I want is to be administering insulin to a man who doesn't need it.

- Yeah; sure.

- Okay.

- How'd you get here, by the way?

- Oh, you know.

- I don't; that's why I asked.

- - You know. Hector.

- What?!

- I didn't have any money for the bus, so he offered me a ride.

- He was really sweet.

- Honey, he's just a friend.

- No, he's not "just a friend."

- I know Hector; I know men.

- Men and women can't be friends.

- A guy doesn't drive a girl 500 miles across state lines

- because he wants to be friends.

- Casanova, wrap it up.

- Hey, you got nothing to worry about, okay? It's you I'm marrying.

- It's not you I'm worried about.

- 16 more months.

- I love you.

- Be easy, son, all right?

- Sucre tells me you're the local pharmacy.

- What you need, man?

- Fugnac.

- I only speak English, white boy.

- It's an insulin blocker.

- Standard over- the- counter variety. You can get it at any pharmacy.

- You can get that at medical then.

- I can't get it at medical.

- Why not?

- Because they're already giving me insulin shots.

- You're one mixed- up cracker, you know that?

- Can you get it for me, or not?

- Only if you tell me why it is that you want to keep going back up to medical

- to get a insulin shot for which you don't need.

- I like the ambiance.

- Uh- huh.

- We in business?

- Scofield. I don't know what you did,

- but Abruzzi wanted me to give you this P.I. card.

- Congratulations.

- You just joined the ranks of the employed.

- Kudos, Fish.

- You got spine.

- All right, cons, break it down!

- Move it, guys.

- Saw Veronica came by yesterday.

- Still engaged to that guy?

- Yup.

- Could have been me.

- If you hadn't self- destructed.

- You think I meant to knock up Lisa Rex?

- I was just being stupid. Hurt.

- Shouldn't have pushed her away, though.

- You pushed everyone away.

- I'm an anchor.

- All I'll do is drag him down with me.

- Why did you hire him?

- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

- You mean what you said earlier?

- I'm not here on vacation; trust me.

- Getting outside these walls, that's just the beginning.

- You're going to need money.

- I'll have it.

- And people on the outside- -

- people that can help you disappear.

- I've already got them.

- They just don't know it yet.

- Look, whatever you got going on, fill me in,

- 'cause I'm in the dark here.

- Chaparral Associates got the contract to retrofit this place in '99.

- $4 million contract. Head partner couldn't crack it.

- So, he subcontracted out- -

- an under- the- table sort of deal with a former associate.

- That guy was one of the partners in my firm.

- We basically ghost- wrote the whole plan- -

- crossed the "t's," dotted the "i's," grouted the tiles.

- You've seen the blueprints.

- Better than that.

- I've got them on me.

- Are you kidding me?

- Am I supposed to be seeing something here?

- Look closer.

Prison Break Season 1 Episode 2

- Previously on Prison Break.

- I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield.

- Why do you want to see Burrows so bad, anyhow?

- Because he's my brother.

- So you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him?

越狱第一季剧本1 老友记第一季剧本
- To what... save him?

- ...and whoever it was that set me up,

- wants me in the ground as quickly was possible.

- Look, the closer it gets,

- the more I'm worried that the bottom is gonna fall out of this whole thing.

- That's the son of a bitch that fingered Abruzzi.

- Someone found Fibanacci.

- Who was this someone?

- Why'd you hire him?

- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

- Hey, come at me, John.

- I'm coming after you.

- I doubt it.

- I'm getting you out of here.

- It's impossible.

- Not if you designed the place, it isn't.

- You've seen the blueprints.

- Better than that.

- I've got them on me.

- You're anticipating every one of my moves, three moves in advance.

- You're a hell of a strategist, Fish.

- You ever think about Boston?

- Sure.

- Think you'll ever see it again?

- I'm a 60-year-old man with 60 years left on my ticket.

- What do you think?

- I'm thinking about going.

- Well, there's goin' and there's goin'.

- Which one you mean?

- The one you think I mean.

- Three days inside, and he's already thinking about turning rabbit.

- It'll pass.

- It always does.

- There's bigger things to worry about at the moment.

- I've been in here long enough to know it when I see it.

- The calm before the storm.

- Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here.

- Everybody chooses sides, and a lot of guys bleed.

- There a reason?

- Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage.

- They don't get along.

- Hmm.

- What?

- Toilet won't flush.

- So?

- Means only one thing--

- The DIRT shuts off the water, so you can't flush your contraband.

- We got nothing to worry about.

- Says you!

- Under the table...

- What the hell is this?

- Insurance, white boy. Now dump it!

- Open it.

- So...

- tooling up for the race riot, are we?

- Hand it over.

- Rugheads and the billies.

- Now, which side are you on anyhow, Fish?

- That would be neither, boss.

- Maybe you're gonna go extracurricular with it then.

- Stick a C.O., maybe.

- Is there a problem here, Deputy?

- Got a shank in here.

- Is this yours?

- You're not a good liar.

- Come on, Sucre, you're going to the SHU.

- Move along, Deputy.

- I'm not done shaking this cell down yet.

- I said move along.

- In the old man's back pocket, are you?

- Well, I got news for you, Fish.

- He may run this place during the day,

- but I run it during the night.

- Transcript: RaceMan

- www.forom.com

- The hell were you thinking, Michael?

- How are we doing it?

- The infirmary.

- Infirmary?

- It's the weakest link in the security chain.

- As long as I get that PUGNAc,

- I'll get all the access I need.

- What the hell's a PUGNAc?

- It lowers my insulin levels to the point that I'm hyperglycemic.

- As long as the good doctor thinks I'm diabetic,

- I'll have plenty of time in there to do what I need to do.

- Which is?

- A little work.

- A little prep for your arrival.

- That's the idea, anyway.

- The idea?

- There's a little hitch in getting the PUGNAc, that's all.

- They don't exactly stock it at the commissary.

- You're telling me this whole thing's riding on a bunch of pills.

- Someone's working on it as we speak.

- Now's not the time to be trusting a black inmate, Michael.

- Our relationship transcends race.

- Nothing transcends race in here.

- I can't let you do it.

- Good behavior, you're out of here in three years.

- Gonna be a whole lot sooner than that.

- Can't be done...

- Can't be done, Michael.

- No one's ever broken out of Fox River.

- Every single step's already been mapped out.

- Every contingency.

- Every contingency?

- You may have the blueprints of this place,

- but there's one thing those plans can't show you-- people,

- guys like Abruzzi--

- you so much as look at these cats the wrong way, they'll cut you up.

- As far as the rest of these guys are concerned

- I'm just another con doing his time.

- Staying out of trouble.

- Your don't go looking for trouble in here, it just finds you.

- And when it does, we'll be long gone.

- This is madness.

- You can't even get out of your cell.

- Not true.

- What, you got a key?

- Something like that.

- Wrong piece of real estate, Fish.

- Belongs to T-Bag.

- Who?

- You best speak with respect, Fish.

- Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in 'Bama,

- raped 'em and killed 'em.

- Wasn't always in that order, either.

- Does T-Bag have a real name?

- That is my real name.

- No, no, no. Please... sit.

- So you're the new one I been hearin' all the rave reviews about.

- Scofield.

- One thing's for sure, you're just as pretty as advertised.

- Prettier, even.

- Rugheads got you scared, do they?

- Sorry?

- Assume that's why you're over here.

- Few days on the inside,

- any God-fearing white man realizes the correctional system's

- got a serious lean toward the African-American persuasion.

- I hadn't noticed.

- They got the numbers all right, so they think they do as they please.

- We got one thing they don't--

- surprise.

- We gonna take the ball game to them real soon.

- It's gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you,

- but we'll protect you. I'll protect you.

- All you got to do is...

- take this pocket right here,

- and your life'll be all peaches and cream.

- I walk, you walk with me.

- Keep you real close, so no one up in here can hurt you.

- Looks to me you already got a girlfriend.

- I got a whole 'nother pocket over here.

- I'll pass.

- I don't protect you,

- them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas.

- I said no.

- Then you best move, then.

- Now.

- You come around these bleachers again,

- it's gonna be more than just words we're exchanging.

- Know what I'm saying?

- Excuse me.

- Are you the Tim Giles that represented Lincoln Burrows?

- Okay, if you're a reporter...

- I'm not a reporter. I know the defendant personally.

- Huh. You family?

- Not exactly.

- We were in a relationship a few years back.

- Well, look, ma'am, I, uh...

- I-I don't know what to tell you. I mean, the man was guilty.

- The prosecution's case was a slam dunk.

- Because the victim was the Vice President's brother.

- If you're suggesting that the federal government rammed this thing through,

- okay, I take offense to that, 'cause I fought for that guy.

- That's not what I meant.

- The evidence was there.

- Lincoln worked for Steadman's company.

- He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so, he gets fired.

- Two weeks later, Steadman's shot dead.

- The murder weapon is found in Lincoln's house,

- and the victim's blood found on his clothes.

- Trust me, there are cases you lose sleep over, but

- this isn't one of 'em.

- What about Crab Simmons?

- Lincoln said he could exonerate him.

- Why didn't you put him on the stand?

- The man's a five-time felon, all right?

- He-He... He had no credibility.

- So, you wouldn't mind if I paid him a visit.

- Be my guest, but I don't think it'd do you any good.

- Strange feeling. I don't know how to explain it.

- Now, um...

- usually, my whole life, it's always been crazy,

- noisy,

- maddening, you know, in my head, but...

- right now, it's quiet.

- It's perfect.

- Glad you came back.

- I thought about you the whole time.

- You know, I, uh, made a lot of mistakes in my life.

- I know that.

- I'm gonna make it right.

- I know you will.

- What are you doing?

- I want to remember this.

- No.

- Oh, come on. Oh, come on, V, please, just one.

- Okay.

- Easy, man.

- How we doin' on the PUGNAc?

- Hey, I'm workin' on it.

- Well, work faster. I need that stuff tonight.

- What's up there in that infirmary that you need so bad?

- You get me that PUGNAc, and maybe I'll tell you.

- Uh-uh... uh!

- Thought we had an understanding.

- This here's for the family.

- You made it pretty clear you ain't blood.

- How 'bout you hand that over?

- Nice-looking piece of steel; bit of work.

- You could do some serious damage with it.

- Question is, who was it you was plannin' on damaging?

- I seen you with the Negroes, you know.

- Well, maybe you're one of them milk chickens.

- All confused-like.

- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside.

- Maybe we ought to take a look at them insides and find out, hmm?

- Girl Scouts!

- Is there a problem over there?

- Think we'll just hang onto this, if that's okay with you.

- Hey, I'm not gonna ask you again. Let's break up the party, ladies.

- You heard the man, little dogie.

- Get along.

- What's it take to shake down another inmate,

- get something he's taken from you?

- It would take Fibonacci.

- I'll give you Fibonacci--

- I promise you that--

- when the time is right.

- Time is right now.

- No, the time is right when you and I are both standing outside those walls.

- You're sitting on life without parole.

- You're never gonna stand outside those walls again.

- Not unless you knew someone.

- Someone who knew a way out.

- What do you say, John?

- I say I've heard nothing but blabber.

- Philly Falzone.

- It's an honor.

- What are you doing here?

- Well, I, um...

- I just thought we'd, you know, fraternize.

- He looks like it, doesn't he?

- Looks what?

- Like everybody's been saying.

- You got no sack.

- You've been neutered.

- You shouldn't talk to me like that.

- You used to pick up my laundry.

- Not anymore, John.

- John, word is that someone in here knows where Fibonacci is,

- and you're not doing anything about it.

- I'm working on it.

- Well, you're not working on it fast enough.

- Apparently, Fibonacci's coming up for air again.

- Next month, a Congressional hearing.

- Now, if he testifies at that hearing,

- a lot of people are going down,

- including me.

- Now, I've known you a long time.

- Our wives are friends,

- our kids go to the same Catholic school.

- Now, it would be a shame

- if anything were to happen to your kids.

- I know my kids would miss them.

- You don't need to do this.

- I do.

- I'll get this guy.

- We'll get Fibonacci.

- Well, for everyone's sake, I hope you're right.

- I am.

- Be well, John.

- Thank you.

- Yo, Badge, I gotta use the phone!

- Sure, no problem. You want a pizza and a pedicure, too?

- No. It's-It's Monday, man.

- I got to call my girl. She's expecting my call...

- Put a sock in it. You got nothin' comin'.

- No, no, no...

- Hey, pull up the manifest.

- There an Allen Schweitzer in GenPop?

- Nope.

- You about the SHU?

- Nope.

- Why are you asking?

- Curious, that's all.

- You hear the trumpets, Fish?

- I know you hear 'em.

- That's Judgment Day.

- It's comin'... real soon.

- What are you doing in my cell?

- I want in.

- I'm not quite sure I heard that, Fish.

- Did you just say you're in?

- That's right.

- You know the old saying, don't you?

- In for an inch, in for a mile.

- Whatever it takes.

- You want me to fight, I'll fight.

- The bolt from the bleachers-- that's what it was for.

- Well, you want to fight, you gonna get your chance.

- Next count.

- - Tonight?

- Problem with that?

- 'Cause we goin' straight at 'em.

- Better catch a square, Fish.

- We undermanned in a big way.

- All I need's a weapon.

- You want a weapon, bitch?

- There you go.

- All prisoners return to cells.

- You gonna have to prove yourself 'fore we trust you with the heavy artillery.

- Know what I'm sayin'?

- Gates closing!

- I wanted to apologize for being so short with you before.

- No problem.

- Closer it gets to an execution,

- the harder it becomes, so that's why I wanted to give you this.

- It's the, uh, surveillance tape of the garage that night.

- It was a closed trial, so no one outside of the courtroom saw it.

- I thought it could help you out.

- - Closure.

- Allen Schweitzer.

- That name mean anything to you?

- Should it?

- I don't know. You tell me.

- Never heard of the guy.

- Are you sure?

- Positive.

- Uh, what's up, Snowflake?

- Do you think I'm a fool?

- What are you talking about?

- I see you up there with the Hitler Youth.

- You know, I got a good mind to slash you open right now.

- It's not what you think.

- They've got something I need.

- Now, see, that's funny.

- Because I got something you need, too.

- You want your PUGNAc, Fish, huh?

- Right here, baby. It's all you.

- Listen, white boy, your luck just ran out.

- You chose the wrong side.

- Man... it's great to see your face.

- I think it's time you quit the charade, don't you?

- What?

- It's starting to ruin people's lives.

- Michael's in here because he thinks you're innocent.

- He told you.

- He hasn't told me anything, but I know, Lincoln.

- I know what he's planning.

- Call him off.

- If you love him, call him off.

- I saw the tape.

- What's on the tape's not how it went down.

- I know what I saw.

- I know what I saw.

- I was there, remember?

- I got high that night.

- I had to.

- It was the only way I could go through with it.

- I never pulled the trigger.

- The guy was already dead.

- Yeah, I know. You've told me a thousand...

- Then listen! I was set up!

- I went there that night to clear a debt.

- Crab Simmons was on my ass for the 90 grand I owed him.

- He told me the mark was some scumbag drug dealer

- and if I took it, we'd be clean.

- I never pulled the trigger.

- All I know is that somebody wanted me in the same garage as Terrence Steadman that night.

- Why would somebody want to set you up?

- It wasn't about me. It was about him.

- Steadman?

- Yes!

- The guy was like a saint.

- All the charity work,

- the environmental progress his company was making...

- About the only person in this entire country who had motive to kill him was you.

- You came all the way down here to tell me how guilty I am?

- I don't know why I came here.

- You have your life now--

- I know that--

- but if what we had before meant anything to you,

- you'd find out the truth.

- Maybe all this is the truth.

- Maybe they got it right.

- Badge!

- Open up, Badge!

- You talking again?

- It's my girl's birthday.

- Happy birthday to her, then.

- You gotta let me call her! Please!

- I'll give you a million dollars, if you let me use the phone.

- I seen your kicks, Sucre.

- You got something like 40 cents to your name.

- Please!

- God, no!

- All right. Maricruz. What are you doing? Come on.

- Yeah, it's okay, Hector. You go ahead.

- What are you talking about?

- I think I'm just going to take a cab.

- What do you mean, like, go home? I mean, you just got here.

- He didn't call you, did he?

- Look... I love Fernando to death, but the guy's a deadbeat.

- You got to move on with your life.

- Mr. Giles,

- we'd like to have a word with you, if we could.

- I really don't have time.

- I'm afraid we're going to have to insist.

- It's come to our attention that you made a FOIL request

- a couple of days ago, on the Burrows case.

- Yeah. So?

- Records show that you made a dupe of the surveillance tape.

- That's right.

- Mind us asking why?

- It's for one of Burrows' old girlfriends, man.

- She was under the impression that the guy was innocent.

- I figured it'd, you know, help her with closure.

- She's in possession of the tape now, then?

- Don't pull that card on me.

- It's the Freedom of Information Act.

- She's entitled to that tape as much as you or I are.

- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, by all means, by all means.

- - May I go now?

- Just one more thing.

- This old girlfriend of his...

- what's her name?

- Excuse me.

- Is this the Simmons residence?

- I'm Ms. Simmons.

- I'm sorry, um...

- I'm Veronica Donovan.

- I'm looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related?

- He's my son.

- Is he around?

- No.

- Could you tell me where I could find him?

- Lady, go away. I can't help you. Can't you understand that?

- I'm sorry. It's just...

- a man's life is at stake, and maybe your son can help him.

- Crab can't help nobody, lady.

- He's dead.

- I'm sorry.

- Heads up! 7-up, cons, stand your gate!

- 'Bout to jump off, Fish.

- Ballard, get back on your number.

- I need backup.

- I said back on your number!

- Help me...

- Scofield!

- You're a dead man, Scofield!

- You hear me?!

- You're a dead man!

- I really don't know what to say to you gentlemen.

- I try to give you the benefit of the doubt,

- I try to treat you with respect.

- You can't even respect yourselves.

- So, there's going to be a 48-hour lockdown.

- No mess. No showers.

- No visitation.

- And I strongly suggest that you all learn to get along.

- Otherwise, the next time, it's going to be a week,

- and the time after that, it's going to be a month.

- Think about it.

- Got a Leticia Barres on the line.

- I don't know who that is. Take a message.

- She says she used to date Crab Simmons.

- Leticia, thank you for calling.

- You want to hear what I have to say,

- we meet in a public place, where they can't get to us.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where who can't get to us?

- You want to hear what I have to say or not?

- 'Cause if you don't, I'm going to hang up right now.

- No, no, no-- you just name the time and the place.

- Over here.

- Leticia, thanks for coming..

- Go easy, lady.

- We don't know each other, you got that?

- We'll stay out here in the open where they can't get to us.

- Where they can't do what they do.

- Only reason why I'm talking to you

- 'cause they gonna kill your boy like they killed mine.

- Coroner's report says smack killed your boyfriend, Leticia.

- - It was an overdose.

- Wasn't no overdose.

- What do you mean?

- Crab didn't use. He had a bad heart.

- If he touched the stuff, it'd kill him.

- I mean, don't you think it's just the slightest bit of a coincidence

- he OD'd a week after your boyfriend's crime?

- They killed him 'cause he knew things.

- Things they didn't want to get out.

- Like what?

- Like who was really behind that hit that night.

- Wasn't Crab, that's for damn sure.

- And it sure as hell wasn't Lincoln.

- Neither of them boys knew what they were getting into.

- They were just pawns in a big game.

- What?

- - They're here.

- Who's here, Leticia?

- Don't try to follow me.

- Don't find me. I won't testify.

- Just slow down and talk to me.

- I'd get as far away from here as you can, girl.

- 'Cause there ain't nobody they can't get to.

- Leticia!

- Hello?

- We have a small complication.

- There's a lawyer poking around.

- Veronica Donovan.

- Yes.

- You can handle a girl who graduated

- in the middle of her Baylor law school class.

- At least I'd like to think so,

- given the stakes of what we're dealing with here.

- Anyone that's a threat to what we're doing is expendable.

- Anyone.

- Understood.

- Then do what you need to do to make this go away.

- You there, Pretty?

- I know you're there.

- Just want you to know I'm coming for you.

- You got nowhere to run.

- You're trapped in that little hole of yours.

- Trapped like a pig I'm going to slaughter.

- Who's my 1:00?

- Uh, Michael Scofield.

- I was wrong about you, Scofield. Here's your PUGNAc.

- Little bit late.

- Better late than never, right?

- Scofield! Infirmary!

- We'll see about that.

- - Mm-hmm.

- I'm gonna find out, you know...

- what it is you're doing up there.

- How long does this take?

- It used to take hours.

- They've come a long way with the new glucose kits.

- This'll take us about ten seconds.

- Slide the strip into the meter, we're ready to go.

- I'm sure you know this,

- but average glucose for the non-diabetic is about 100 milligrams per deciliter,

- so we see a number like that here, and we know you've been misdiagnosed.

- You seem nervous.

- I do?

- You're sweating.

- Must be the needles.

- Never really got used to them.

- Somehow, with diabetes and that tattoo, I find that hard to believe.

- Ah...

- Bad news, I'm afraid.

- 180 milligrams per deciliter. You're definitely diabetic.

- Do you need anything else from me?

- Arm to stick a needle in.

- Okay.

- I'll see you Wednesday.

- - Cute.

- Prisoner.

- I don't know. There's something strange about him.

- What do you mean?

- I gave him the results of his blood test,

- and there was this look on his face.

- It was, um...

- relief.

- It's all right.

- I got it.

- I'm headed over to A-Wing anyhow.

- You're positively beaming, boss.

- Got up on the right side of the bed this morning, I guess.

- Hold up.

- Sugar.

- Don't you move, Fishy.

- Hey, what are you doing?

- You're coming with us, Fish.

- This little polka you and I have been doing for a while--

- as of this moment...

- ...it's over.

- Fibonacci.

- I want to know how you got to him...

- and where he is, right now.

- Not going to happen, John.

- Now, I'm going to count to three.

- One...

- I give you that information, I'm a dead man.

- You know it and I know it.

- Two...

- I'll tell you the moment we're outside those walls,

- not a second before.

- You tell me now.

- Not gonna happen, John.

- Hey...

- I'm going to give you one last chance.

- Three.

Prison Break Season 1 Episode 3

- Oh, my God. Williamson, get in here.

- What the hell happened here?

- An accident.

- Here... gotta get him to the infirmary. Come on.

- Get out.

- I thought you said you were gonna have a conversation with him.

- Yeah, I did.

- Things, uh, escalated.

- Bring him on into Three. Cathy, I'm gonna need 10cc's of Xylocaine.

- Thanks, guys. I'll take it from here.

- I said thank you, I'll take it from here.

- Let's go.

- Okay... let's take a look at you.

- You're okay... You're okay...

- What happened?

- Uh, nothing.

- This isn't nothing, Michael. I need you to tell me what happened.

- Don't make me lie to you.

- Please.

- I think you better have I.A. start an investigation.

- Oh, there's no need. We know what happened.

- Uh, perhaps you'd be good enough to enlighten me?

- There was a pair of gardening shears left on the floor of the shed.

- Evidently, he stepped on them.

- Blade went right through his boot, huh?

- Yep.

- So, uh, why wasn't the boot still on his foot?

- Like I said, Doc...

- we got it taken care of.

- Let's go.

- I'm going to kill that scum.

- You won't. You kill him, you kill our express ticket out of here.

- Look what he did to you--

- you're not going to last a second in this place unless I do something about it.

- You ever hear of Top Flight Charters?

- Yeah.

- They operate flights from small airfields across the Midwest,

- like the one ten miles from here.

- They're run by a shell corporation Abruzzi owns.

- We get him on board,

- there's gonna be a midnight flight waiting for us the night we get outside those walls.

- You're willing to risk the entire escape on a guy you don't even know?

- Preparation can only take you so far.

- After that, you gotta take a few leaps of faith.

- Abruzzi's a huge leap of faith, Michael.

- I'm not talking about Abruzzi.

- There's someone else who holds the key to this entire thing.

- With him, it either works or it doesn't.

- Problem is, I couldn't know who that was until I got in here.

- Sucre? You can't be serious.

- The guy's a thief, Michael; he can't be trusted.

- Gonna have to trust him,

- because he's my cell mate.

- How well do you know him?

- About as well as a man can in a week.

- You tell him, he tells everyone, we're done.

- You know that, right?

- We don't get him on board, there's not going to be any digging in that cell,

- and if there's no digging in that cell...

- then there's no escape.

- Thank you for calling, please leave a message after the tone.

- Maricruz? It's me, baby. You there?

- Pick up if you're there, mami.

- I been in the SHU.

- I been thinking about you.

- About your body...

- God, I've been thinking about your body...

- Hello?

- Uh, Mrs. Delgado....

- Hi. How you doing? It's me, Fernando.

- Um, sorry to bother you at home, but, uh,

- you know what's up with Maricruz's cell phone?

- It just keeps going straight to voice mail.

- Maybe she has it turned off.

- Any chance you know where she is?

- I know exactly where she is.

- And that would be?

- - With Hector.

- Hector?

- That's right.

- They're at the mall, I think.

- I don't suppose, next time you see her,

- you could have her turn her phone back on?

- Mrs. Delgado, I know you don't like me,

- but I love your daughter and she loves me.

- We're going to get married, you know?

- If you were a decent man and you really loved her,

- you'd let her live her life.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- I'll tell her you called.

- I'm looking to do some damage.

- Well, you come to the right place.

- I want to do it slow.

- Inflict the maximum amount of pain,

- so a guy wishes he'd just die, you know, and get it over with,

- but just can't quite get there.

- Oh, I got that.

- I got that.

- Look at this right here, boss.

- I call it "the gutter."

- Jam it up there in the stomach,

- and these bits right here hook the intestines.

- You give it a pull back,

- poor sucker's guts are hanging right out of his stomach,

- and he'll get a real good look at 'em, 'cause the wound's not fatal.

- Well, least not until the infection sets in.

- You're one sick puppy, you know that?

- Thank you.

- What happened?

- I'm okay.

- They've gotten to you, haven't they?

- The other prisoners.

- My God, Michael, this place is going to kill you.

- You said you talked to a woman. What was her name?

- - Leticia Barris.

- How'd you know?

- A year ago, I was doing exactly what you're doing.

- Trying to find out the truth.

- It's a bottomless pit, Veronica.

- They designed it that way,

- so that, by the time you got to the bottom of it, Lincoln would be dead.

- Why didn't you tell me you were doing this?

- Once the day was set,

- once that final appeal had been rejected,

- he had 60 days to live.

- Figured I could play their game and watch him die in the process,

- or I could take matters into my own hands.

- You don't have to do that.

- Leticia knows something.

- If I can get it out of her, maybe we can re-open Lincoln's case.

- What'd she tell you?

- She said that somebody else was behind the killing of the Vice President's brother.

- Who?

- She got spooked, she took off before I could get anything out of her.

- She's holed up in the Elysian Fields Projects.

- I'm going to go see her this afternoon.

- Place is dangerous. You should take someone with you.

- Who?

- Fianc?would be a good place to start.

- I think that's probably the last thing in the world Sebastian'd ever want to do.

- - It's good to see you.

- You, too.

- No priors, a good student.

- Then you get yourself arrested for intent to sell.

- Good life get a little boring?

- It was stupid.

- It won't happen again.

- Well, we're all here to make sure of that.

- I took some time to speak to your mother before you came in.

- She told me that there were some...

- some extenuating circumstances in your life right now.

- Yeah, if you're talking about that guy at Fox River,

- he's got nothing to do with this.

- He refuses to call him his father.

- The world would be a better place without him.

- It's clear to me you've got a lot of anger, young man.

- Misdirected, it could land you in the wrong place.

- So, to make sure that doesn't happen,

- you're gonna have to check in with me once a week.

- Fridays, one hour.

- Your attendance at school and your grades need to be pristine.

- Absolutely.

- And to give you a real good idea

- where that anger of yours will get you if you don't rein it in,

- I'm signing you up for the Scared Straight program at Fox River.

- You'll have a mentor, who you'll work with weekly,

- to give you a little perspective.

- A mentor?

- Your father.

- Tell me that ain't what I think it is.

- It ain't what you think it is.

- Fish. A cell phone in here?

- That's cardinal sin number one.

- They can tack two years onto your bid, automatic.

- If they catch you.

- Man, you know what kind of trouble I can get, for just knowing what I know?

- Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

- Now, that means you can make calls whenever you want, right?

- I don't like the look in your eye.

- What's in there-- you never saw it. Got it?

- Why didn't you include any names?

- Why would I want anyone to watch me die?

- I've seen it happen a number of ways.

- Some people want to go it alone,

- others have grandiose statements they want to make.

- But most want some member of their family there,

- before they leave this world.

- I'll do it alone.

- Son, in my opinion,

- all inmates who have made that choice

- have deeply regretted it in their final minutes.

- I'll, uh...

- ...leave it blank for now.

- You have less than four weeks now.

- You should give it some thought.

- Hi. I'm-I'm looking for Leticia Barris.

- Five.

- Thank you.

- Hello!

- Don't you move a muscle.

- Take it easy, Leticia.

- You're working with them, aren't you?

- - Think I'm stupid, lady?

- I hear the clicks on my phone, I see the cars out there on the street.

- I know you're scared. I am, too.

- But, please, put the gun down.

- Where you going?

- Ireland. What difference does it make?

- It makes all the difference. Nobody's ever gotten your testimony.

- That's exactly the reason I'm still breathing.

- I'm not with them, Leticia. You have to believe me.

- Oh, yeah? Then what you sneaking in here for?

- I thought maybe they'd gotten to you.

- Oh, yeah?

- And why do you care so much about my well-being, all of a sudden?

- I don't.

- Finally, an honest answer.

- But maybe you can save Lincoln.

- And maybe you can bring down the guys who killed your boyfriend in the process.

- If somebody killed you,

- and Crab could have done something to the guys who did it--

- you think he would have?

- I'm not as strong as he was.

- I can't take those people on.

- I'll take 'em on.

- All you have to do is come to my office and tell me what you know.

- I'll type it up, you can sign the affidavit, and split.

- I'll take you to the airport myself.

- Bellick.

- Hey, what's up, Lincoln?

- I want some extra time outside for the next couple weeks.

- Paint fumes in P.I. must be getting to you.

- Cell phones allowed in here?

- Who?

- Extra time outside.

- A couple cigarettes.

- Half hour. One week. One cigarette.

- Know a con named Sucre?

- This is what I don't understand, John:

- Otto Fibonacci fingers you.

- He put you in prison for life.

- Yet, you act like you don't even want to find out where he is.

- That's not true, Philly.

- Maybe it's 'cause you don't think you have anything to lose anymore, you know?

- You're already locked up.

- You... you know, maybe you, um... maybe you like it here.

- I mean, I don't know.

- But, what I do know is that, if Fibonacci testifies next month,

- you and I are gonna be neighbors.

- And I am not going to let that happen.

- I don't think you would fit in here, Philly.

- Fancy suits, ties, shirts.

- I think you're right, so, uh...

- so, let's cut to the chase.

- Did you break this kid?

- Did he tell you where Fibonacci is?

- What is this?

- It's a little gift from me to you.

- Are these his?

- Yeah, he won't crack.

- Well, perhaps, you should consider using a different methodology then, John.

- From what I gather, there are far worse threats in prison

- other than bodily harm.

- What happened to the days when you used to trust me, Philly,

- that I would get things done?

- Those were the days when you actually did get things done, John.

- Daddy! Daddy! Did you hear the news?

- What? What-What news?

- We're going to stay with Uncle Philly at the lake for a few weeks.

- Yeah. We're gonna have a good time!

- You're right, John. Maybe you're right.

- I do trust you.

- Now, you're gonna take care of that thing, aren't you?

- How are those boneyard visits going with that girlfriend of yours?

- I imagine pretty good, huh?

- You know, visitation rules stipulate that conjugals are only for married couples.

- But we're engaged.

- Besides, I got that coming to me

- 'cause I ain't caused no static in this place.

- Please don't dead my conjugals.

- I won't.

- Thank you.

- But, in exchange,

- you have to tell me where that cell phone is.

- Cell phone?

- Don't play stupid with me.

- I'm giving you a chance to save your precious conjugals.

- You lie to me,

- they're gone, and they're never coming back.

- Now, where's that cell phone?

- Turner?

- Your transfer came in. They want you in administration.

- He didn't talk.

- All I got to say is I better get to make all the calls I want.

- Gonna be kind of hard.

- Soap?

- I lost my congugals over soap?!

- You may have lost your conjugals, but I can do you one better.

- I can get you to her.

- To Maricruz.

- - You can get me to Maricruz?

- That's right.

- Yeah? And how you gonna do that?

- We're breaking out of here.

- How?

- - It starts in our cell.

- - In our cell?

- To tell you the truth, it's already started.

- Ah.

- Are you crazy?!

- You think I want to break out of here?

- 16 months from now, I'm out the gate.

- I'm getting married, papi,

- and I'm sure as hell not doing it with no posse on my ass.

- Man, I ought to beat you six ways till Sunday!

- I lost my conjugals, pendejo.

- and all because of your little bar of soap.

- I had to test you; see if you could keep a secret.

- You want a secret?

- I got a secret for you, Fish.

- You dig in my cell while I'm there,

- and I'm gonna split your wig.

- That went well.

- Why don't we start with Lincoln's relationship with your boyfriend.

- Real simple.

- He owed my man $90,000, and he wasn't getting it done.

- Then, all of a sudden, it gets done.

- Crab walks in with 90K and a big-ass smile on his face.

- Who paid him?

- Not Lincoln-- they paid his marker.

- Who's "they"?

- It's all right, Leticia.

- I told you, you're safe here.

- Crab brought this guy home. Never seen him before.

- Crab did what he always did when he was doing big business:

- he told me to take a walk, so that's exactly what I did.

- There was something about this guy, though--

- he wasn't the kind of guy Crab usually dealt with.

- What do you mean?

- Couldn't put my finger on it till he went outside.

- Then I knew. He had that look.

- What look?

- You know, that they own the place.

- That they're untouchable.

- Like they're government.

- So the government paid Lincoln's debt?

- Did Crab say what they wanted in return?

- Uh-uh.

- All right.

- Uh, just give me a moment to type this up.

- Where are you going?

- I'm gonna have a smoke.

- Look, this is only gonna take me a minute.

- So will the smoke.

- No redness or swelling, so it's no sign of infection.

- I'm gonna keep you on antibiotics for the next ten days.

- You should be good.

- Michael, you understand, by law,

- I'm obligated to file a report if I feel there's been prisoner misconduct.

- There's no way this injury happened by stepping on a blade in a garden shed.

- If you file a report, things could get a lot worse for me.

- They're not already?

- Not compared to what they could be.

- I've made some enemies.

- Yeah.

- Scared?

- Men... Okay.

- Um... here's what I think. I think you are scared.

- And you wouldn't be human if you weren't scared in a place like this.

- When I was young, I couldn't sleep at night,

- 'cause I thought there was a monster in the closet.

- But my brother told me there wasn't anything in the closet but fear.

- That fear wasn't real.

- He said it wasn't made of anything. It was just air.

- Not even that.

- He said you just have to face it.

- You just have to open that door,

- and the monster would disappear.

- Your brother sounds like a smart man.

- He is.

- In here, though,

- you face your fear,

- you open that door...

- and there's a hundred more doors behind it.

- And the monsters that are hiding behind them...

- are all real.

- If you want, I could recommend you be sent to Ad-Seg.

- With the rape victims and the snitches.

- It would keep you safe.

- Thanks...

- but I think I'd like to face the monsters on my own.

- Have a good smoke?

- I don't smoke.

- Didn't mean to startle you.

- Special Agent Kellerman, Secret Service.

- We've been informed that you

- obtained a copy of the surveillance tape

- entered as evidence in the Lincoln Burrows trial.

- Is there a problem with that?

- We're just following up.

- Has there been some amendment to the Freedom of Information Act

- that I'm not aware of?

- You know, when a prisoner gets

- close to the end of his time on Death Row,

- there's a lot of last-minute sec...

- I'm sorry, I still don't understand

- why this would be a problem for the Secret Service.

- It's not.

- The prosecution made its case far beyond any reasonable doubt,

- and we know that we have the right man.

- That being said,

- if you come across anything that could shed some light on his innocence,

- I'm offering my help.

- Sounds great.

- I really appreciate you coming by.

- Do you have a card, Agent Kellerman?

- Of course.

- Don't hesitate to call.

- Thanks.

- Leticia.

- - Sebastian, I'm so sorry, I...

- Where are you?

- I'm sor.. this isn't the time, I'm sorry.

- This is the time-- I'm at the reception hall.

- The coordinator's here. The vendors.

- Look, I'm just, I'm sorry. I can't talk right now.

- I say we take his whole foot.

- We could cut off all his limbs;

- he still wouldn't talk.

- Pain is not the answer here.

- Maybe the Beatles were right, after all.

- Maybe all you need is love.

- What're you doing?

- What's it look like I'm doing? I'm rolling it up.

- You can't do this.

- I'm done playing your reindeer games, Fish.

- I'm gonna transfer to a nice, quiet cell with a normal cellie,

- one that doesn't screw my entire life up.

- Look...

- I'm sorry about your congugals, but if you go now...

- Don't do this. Please.

- Listen to me, Fish.

- I got 16 months.

- I got a fianc閑 to think about.

- I get caught with a hole in my wall,

- I don't get to see the real world for another five years.

- Let's go, Sucre.

- I can't do that.

- There's always a solution. We can work it out.

- Sorry, Fish.

- Can I ask you something?

- Why have you denied any family or loved ones to be there for you in the end?

- Why would I let them watch me die?

- I've caused them enough pain.

- Maybe it's not about them watching you die.

- Maybe it's about me watching them live.

- That the final torture?

- No. It's about how you want to leave this world.

- What's the last image you want to take with you?

- A stranger?

- Got an issue with our little friend over there?

- I don't got to come to you. You don't give the green light.

- Everything in here runs through me. You know that.

- May Tag's in the ground because of that piece of detritus.

- So now you want him.

- Every day for the rest of his bid.

- Seems you and I have something in common, then.

- Easy now, Fish.

- Don't make this any harder than it needs to be.

- It's time we came to an arrangement, don't you think?

- You know, I was thinking I was gonna gut you bow to stern,

- soon as I laid eyes on you.

- But, alackaday, you look so pretty when you're scared, don't you?

- Maybe we ought to get the love out of the way 'fore we move on to hate.

- What do you say to that, Pretty? Hmm?

- Yeah...

- Maybe it's time I lit up that face once and for all.

- God, he talks too much.

- You and I need to have a conversation.

- What happened in there was my way of saying

- I know I been going about this whole thing the wrong way.

- I'm trying to make amends here.

- Bygones be bygones?

- You're a mercurial man, John.

- I prefer bold.

- Tell me what you need from me.

- A trade.

- You get me a plane, I'll get you Fibonacci.

- What do you need a plane for?

- I think you know.

- I help you, I'm in. You know that, don't you?

- I do.

- Just got to know the exact date and time.

- I'll tell you soon enough.

- Soon enough ain't gonna cut it.

- I need to be outside these walls before Fibonacci testifies.

- You will be.

- He testifies in one month.

- Then you'll be out in plenty of time.

- If not... you're a corpse.

- You'd better cut the crap. Tell me the exact date and time,

- so I can start making the arrangements.

- I don't know if I can trust you with that information yet.

- Why not?

- Like I said, John, you're a mercurial man.

- Lewis, take these off.

- Sink, I can't do that.

- Come on, man, I'm in a cage. Ten minutes.

- Please.

- It's my kid.

- So... here we are.

- Yeah. How you been?

- You know... in trouble.

- How's your mom?

- She's good.

- Hey, um... I've been talking to the chaplain,

- and they'd like me to decide on who I should, uh, have at the, uh...

- I guess what I'm trying to say is,

- when you get to the end,

- you start to realize what's important to you, you know?

- Who really matters to you.

- And, uh, you know...

- that leaves you and Mike.

- The only blood I got left in this...

- in this world.

- Yeah, I got to say, I'm not really following what you're saying.

- Well, uh...

- In the end,

- the only thing that matters is love.

- Blood, family... you.

- Um...

- Give me your hand.

- What are you doing?

- Give me your hand. Give me your hand.

- I want you to be there when...

- I want you to be there the day before I die.

- So I can see you.

- So I can hold you.

- I, uh...

- I love you.

- I've always loved you.

- Yeah...

- This whole thing, um...

- I don't know if I can take it.

- Me, either.

- I don't have a choice.

- You do.

- I am so sorry.

- I met with this woman today, and she knew things about Lincoln's case.

- And then she just disappeared. I think something happened to her.

- Look, I'm gonna make this real easy for you.

- Do you want to get married...

- or not?

- I don't know.

- Wonderful.

- Maybe we could postpone it.

- Okay, I can't do this right now. My head's not in it.

- It's supposed to be a celebration...

- If you're really telling me you want to postpone this thing...

- ...then I want to cancel it.

- Sebastian...

- I'm sorry.

- I'll come get my stuff tomorrow.

- Open on 40!

- Scofield.

- Found you a new cellie.

- As luck would have it, I found him in the Psych Ward.

- You were the only guy with an empty tray, so...

- Psych Ward?

- You got a problem with that?

- 'Cause if you do, please,

- feel free to drop it in my suggestion box here.

- Haywire, get in here!

- Close it up on 40!

- Oh, and Scofield, just a heads up--

- don't make eye contact with him.

- Lincoln, we have a problem.

- - I got a new cell mate.

- Who?

- That's a problem.

- We're just gonna have to bring him on board.

- You're don't bring a guy like that on board.

- Then I'll work at night, when he's sleeping.

- Ten feet, Scofield.

- How far behind are we?

- - Three days.

- Thought you said the margin for error was zero days.

- I did.

- Nice out here.

- I got a buddy--

- he's got a place way back up in these woods.

- Come up here hunting around this time of year.

- Man...

- Whoa.

- Get her back in. Back in.

- Come on.

- Over here. Come here.

- Take her out there.

- She's nothing.

- Nobody would believe her if she talked, anyway.

- Hundred yards or so should do it.

- Do it.

- Go!

- I'm sorry.

- You got to believe that.

- Damn it.

- Please! Please!Please.

- Pick up the casings.

- What's your problem?

- I got a neuroanatomic lesion

- affecting my reticular activating system.

- What does that mean?

- It means I don't sleep. - At all.

Prison Break Season 1 Episode 4

- Previously on Prison Break.

- I didn't kill that man, Michael.

- The evidence says you did.

- No, I was set up.

- Put down your weapon.

- I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.

- I'm looking for someone, guy named Lincoln Burrows.

- Man killed the vice-president's brother.

- Why do you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow?

- Because he's my brother.

- I'm getting you out of here.

- Impossible.

- Not if you designed the place it isn't.

- You've seen the blueprints.

- Better that that.

- I've got them on me.

- You find out who's trying to bury him.

- Nobody's trying to bury him.

- The evidence was cooked.

- There's a lawyer poking around.

- Anyone that's a threat is expendable.

- Scofield!

- Found you a new cellie. Haywire, get in here.

- Someone found Fibonacci.

- Who was this someone?

- Now where is Fibonacci?

- I give you that information, I'm a dead man.

- Three.

- On your feet!

- What time is it?

- Get up!

- What's going on?

- Bellick! - Bellick! - Bellick! No!

- Bellick! Where are you taking me?!

- Bellick! Bellick! No! - No! Bellick, don't!

- Bellick, no! I got a month left!

- Please! No! Bellick! - Bellick, no! - Bellick, please!

- No! No! I got a month left!

- Please! - No! Bellick!

- Make your peace, Lincoln.

- Let's get on with it.

- Open 40!

- Close 40.

- Haywire. You ever thought of breaking out?

- What the hell would I do out there?

- Not be here.

- Halfway houses,

- psych visits, meds, checking in with a P.O.,

- urine tests, keeping a job...

- No.

- Why you ask?

- This guy was talking about it in the yard yesterday. I didn't know what to say.

- Tell officer Bellick.

- He'll make life easy for you, if, uh...

- If what?

- Your tattoos.

- What about them?

- What are they of?

- What are they? Like, some kind of a...

- They're just tattoos.

- It's candy time, Haywire.

- They think I have schizo-affective disorder with bipolar tendencies.

- Think you got it?

- Whatever.

- Ah!

- I take the pills, keep the quacks off my back.

- Bye, now.

- Get out of the way.

- You know, maybe they give you those things for a reason.

- Yeah.

- To keep me dull.

- To keep me in their invisible freakin' handcuffs.

- Seriously, though, those tattoos, they're beautiful.

- You mind if I, you know, look at the whole thing?

- I do, actually.

- Why?

- Yo! Stand clear!

- Does there need to be a reason?

- Sucre!

- I ain't even talking to you, man.

- What's the problem?

- Nothing I can't handle.

- Well, I knew there was a problem.

- I could tell by looking at you from across the yard.

- Hey, guys, didn't I say there was a problem?

- So what's the problem?

- You're looking at it.

- What? Haywire?

- Yep. That's my new cellmate.

- That's a problem.

- He doesn't sleep.

- So, when do you dig?

- I don't.

- Hey, you and I are in bed now.

- You made me promise.

- You said that we were going to get out of here.

- You renege now, and I'm going to gut you.

- So, you better take care of your business,

- or I will take care of you.

- Have a nice day.

- It's really coming together, isn't it?

- Yep.

- You think it'll be done in time?

- Well, I figure, we still have the interior alcoves

- and pilasters to do, which is no small task.

- But, yes, I think so.

- Listen, I have to say, I...

- I really appreciate all the effort that you put into this.

- I wish there was some way I could, you know, pay you or something.

- There is one thing you could do for me.

- My cellmate.

- Ah, the inimitable Charles Patoshick.

- Haywire?

- Then you know.

- Hold it right there.

- Officer Bellick is in charge of cell transfers.

- You're gonna have to talk to him about that.

- I tried, but he seems to think we're a good match.

- Has he threatened you?

- Who, Haywire or Bellick?

- Hmm.

- Unfortunately, unless there's some evidence of violence

- or sexual predation between cellmates,

- those kinds of requests fall on deaf ears around here.

- Prison system's a little too crowded for requests based on personality.

- It's not exactly Sandals out there.

- Warden?

- Sorry. Your wife is here.

- What?

- She's not supposed to be here till 4:00.

- Becky, do not let her come in here under any circumstances.

- She's not supposed to see this until our anniversary.

- I'll be right out.

- Hi, sweetheart.

- You're early.

- Uh... let's go eat.

- You're acting funny.

- I am?

- What's going on in there?

- Um... just going over some files.

- Becky said you were in a meeting.

- This isn't Toledo all over again, is it?

- Toledo?

- How can you say that?

- Then, you won't mind if I look.

- Judy...

- Warden, I'm not going to be able to cooperate.

- I'd get killed if I did.

- Johnson's still deciding.

- Then, you and I are done.

- You should have just told me.

- Well, you know how anxious I get when you come around the inmates.

- Becky, have a guard escort Johnson back to his cell.

- I'll deal with him later. Come on, let's go eat.

- What you doing here?

- I'm your attorney.

- I'm representing you now.

- Hmm.

- If that's all right with you.

- Last time I saw you, you called me a liar.

- Things have changed.

- I believe you now.

- I got in touch with Crab Simmons's ex-girlfriend Leticia.

- She corroborated your story.

- Will she testify?

- She's missing.

- I don't know. I think the Secret Service got to her.

- Secret Service?

- They've been poking around.

- Soon as they show up, she disappears. What do you think happened?

- Um... I didn't realize it was that high up, you know.

- Do you know what we're up against?

- I know it's a lot more than either of us can handle on our own.

- Project Justice.

- Why have I heard of them?

- All they handle is death penalty cases.

- There's a guy there, Ben Forsik, I sent him copies of everything I had.

- You can go there, tell him what you found.

- Maybe we'll get enough to bring him on board.

- Okay.

- So, uh... how's Sebastian?

- What do you mean?

- Well, you being here. I mean... is he cool with it?

- I haven't talked to him.

- The, um...

- The engagement's off.

- Oh. I'm sorry.

- You could at least say that like you mean it.

- I do.

- God, you always were a lousy liar.

- Yeah.

- I better get to Project Justice.

- Veronica?

- Thank you.

- I didn't have a whole lot left.

- You can thank me when I get you out of here.

- Baby, it's me. Are you there?

- Hello? Are you there?

- Hey, if she is, she obviously don't want to talk to you.

- It's Wednesday, babe.

- You're gonna come around today, right?

- Okay, I got to hang up now.

- I got to go back in the block, but

- you're gonna be here today, right?

- I'm your man, baby, and I love you.

- I do.

- It's a pattern.

- What did you say?

- Your-Your tattoo-- it's a pattern.

- You're seeing things.

- Putting him in with Haywire is a low blow, Deputy.

- What? The shrinks cleared Haywire for reentry into gen pop.

- Besides, he's so doped up on meds, he's like a kitten these days.

- A kitten who murdered both his parents.

- Well, all due respect, sir.

- If you give Scofield preferential treatment, it'll undermine your credibility.

- I know you got a soft spot for the guy because he's got brains in his head,

- and he's helping you with that contraption in there,

- but the guy's a violent criminal.

- He deserves punishment just as much as the rest of these guys.

- You have been here long enough to know

- that I'm less interested in punishment than I am in rehabilitation.

- And sticking him in with Haywire is not rehabilitation in my book.

- You delegated authority over gen pop to me, boss.

- I know I did.

- Then, you either got to let me do my job, or pass it on to somebody else.

- Now, Brian, go easy.

- There's a reason I'm giving you more and more responsibility.

- When I retire, I'm recommending you to take my place.

- Don't make me regret it.

- All I'm saying is, take another look at the Scofield situation.

- I trust your judgment.

- Yes, sir.

- Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, hold up.

- This is supposed to be an open visitation. Why are we doing it in here?

- Ask your visitor.

- What are you doing here? Where's Maricruz?

- She's not going to be coming around here anymore.

- Is she hurt?

- No, no. She's fine, she's fine. She's just, uh...

- She's with me now.

- She's with you now?

- It's a joke, right?

- No, she made a decision, man.

- She decided she needed stability.

- Is she going to get that from you?

- Look, look, you can think whatever you want about me. But, uh...

- I'm not the one who's in prison.

- See,

- I actually can do something for her.

- And she wanted me to stop by here and talk to you first, you know, in case you got mad...

- You just proved my point.

- You're a con, and that's all you'll ever be.

- Make it quick.

- Yeah. He's, uh, right in here.

- Take a walk, Choppy.

- Scofield.

- You're in a restricted area.

- I'm doing yard work for P.I. We need some fertilizer.

- Why are you in the masonry section?

- Oh, by the way, how's the foot?

- Don't ever go around me to The Pope again.

- Now, move.

- You know what, Haywire?

- I don't think we're gonna work out.

- And, since I was here first, I think you should go.

- I crapped myself once in junior high.

- It was during... during P.E.

- We were... We were playing badminton,

- and I knew I was gonna have to walk past a bunch of the other students to,

- you know, get back to the locker room.

- And so...

- I just started walking.

- And I tried to make fun of it, you know, before anyone else did.

- So, I turned around behind me, and...

- and I said, "Look, I have a tail!"

- I just shared a secret with you.

- Now, it's your turn.

- Want to know what the tattoos mean?

- - Yeah.

- Nothing.

- Hey, Fish.

- Making any progress?

- With Sleeping Beauty back there, or with the digging?

- Either.

- No.

- But I know what to do.

- Oh, yeah?

- Problem is, you don't got the stugots to do it.

- Abruzzi, let's go.

- See you.

- Yeah? - Really?

- Well, tell the crazy son of a bitch I said hi.

- Wrap it up.

- How about Aunt Ruth? She out of the hospital yet?

- - Hold on, Ma.

- Bite me!

- Okay, we got a problem now, man.

- Let's handle it, then.

- That's what I thought.

- Hello?

- Maricruz, it's me. Baby, what the hell is going on?

- What's the deal with you and Hector?

- When were you gonna tell me?

- Tell you what?

- That Rita Saldana's been visiting you?

- - Yeah. Hector told me.

- Hector told you. Hector told you.

- Of course he told you. Baby, that guy's a snake. He's a liar.

- Why would he lie?

- Well, why would he lie? Because he's been trying to get into your pants

- since the minute we started dating, that's why.

- You know what?

- I don't know what to believe.

- Me, Mami, believe me.

- Yeah, well I wait by the phone twice a week.

- Baby, where is this coming from?

- I don't know.

- Look, there's just so many things.

- Yesterday, I went to Teresa's house,

- and I saw her baby.

- Is that what this is about? You think your clock is ticking?

- Well, I am going to be 30 in a few years!

- Baby, you're 25.

- You want to get pregnant? Let's get pregnant right now.

- Baby, you know I can't get pregnant till I'm married.

- We're gonna get married...

- in 16 months.

- Yeah, well, Hector says that if something goes wrong in there,

- that you could serve your full sentence.

- I can't wait ten years.

- I can't wait ten years, baby.

- I'm going to be out in 16 months.

- Okay, well, what if something does happen, huh?

- Baby, I can't wait that long.

- I can't. I'm sorry, I got to go.

- Hello? Ba... Wait. Hello? Hel...

- Even if Leticia Barris turned up again,

- her testimony would be worthless.

- By and large, most junkies with criminal records don't shine on the stand.

- Maybe, but I just found all this out in the past couple of days.

- I'm confident that I can find out a whole lot more

- now that I'm devoting all my time to the case.

- The Secret Service agent who came to visit you when Leticia was in your office--

- what did he want?

- Nick, please. You've got to understand, Ms. Donovan.

- Unless there's new information you can provide for us,

- we've already reviewed Mr. Burrows's case thoroughly.

- Do you have any new evidence?

- No, but I...

- But...

- that is effectively what you're telling us, right?

- I need to clarify here.

- Yes, that is what I'm telling you.

- But look, Mr. Forsik, you don't need to point out what I don't have.

- I'm well aware of that.

- I'm here asking for your help

- because I don't think an innocent man should be killed for something he didn't do.

- And I believe that's what it says on your mission statement in the lobby.

- We get thousands of requests for representation.

- I'm sure you do.

- And I have to decide which cases we're going to devote

- our very limited resources to.

- I will do all of the legwork, Mr. Forsik.

- But since I don't have any experience in death penalty cases,

- I'm just asking you to point me in the right direction.

- Please.

- I'm sorry.

- We just don't have the manpower.

- Thank you for your time.

- She's just leaving now.

- Figure it'll take her at least a half hour to get across town in this traffic.

- I'm not going to need nearly that much time.

- I've turned up quite a bit already.

- Hey, have you seen my toothpaste?

- It was right here!

- Haven't seen it.

- I always put it in the same place.

- I'm sure it'll turn up.

- The tattoos, there's a maze.

- Get away from me.

- I need to see them. Just... you got to show them to me. It's pulling me in.

- I said... get away from me.

- Okay.

- He's got a maze on his skin.

- Yeah, he's got a maze on his skin.

- Why? Why would he do that? Why?

- Why has he put a maze on his skin? Um...

- I don't... Ow!

- How are your contacts in Chemical Lockup?

- Depends who's asking.

- I need a bottle of drain line root control, sooner than later.

- Got weeds growing in your cell?

- Just one.

- You the one who was looking for me?

- Yeah, I wanted to ask you some questions about the Lincoln Burrows case.

- Yeah?

- I'm Veronica Donovan. I'm representing Lincoln on his appeal.

- What about it?

- You were the first one to respond

- to Lincoln's apartment the night of the murder, right?

- That's right.

- Look, I'd really appreciate if you could just tell me exactly what you saw.

- Dispatch called in with a tip that Burrows was seen running

- from the garage where they found Terrence Steadman.

- So, we went over to Burrows's place.

- We spread out.

- Entered he bathroom,

- that's where I saw your client washing out the bloody pants.

- Police! Hands up!

- I don't need to tell you it was Steadman's blood, do I?

- In the report that you typed up that night,

- you said that you saw Lincoln standing in the bathroom, that's all.

- Later, you testified that you saw him washing the pants-- which one is it?

- Does it matter?

- Did you actually see him washing the pants, or not?

- Yes.

- He stood up, turned around,

- his hands were all wet, looking guilty as hell.

- Your testimony factored into his conviction. You know that, right?

- You know, lady, if you got any other questions,

- just go through the department.

- Miss Donovan.

- I didn't mean to scare you.

- What are you doing here?

- Nick Savrinn with Project Justice.

- I know who you are, but what are you doing here?

- Look, my boss may not think Lincoln's case is worth looking into, but I do.

- There's a quicker way to take care of your problem.

- There's smarter ways, too.

- What stood out for me was that most death penalty cases

- take ten years to exhaust all appeals.

- Lincoln got there in three.

- So, for it to be expedited,

- there had to have been some sort of political influence, right?

- Well... given that Terrence Steadman is the vice president's brother,

- that's not too hard to believe.

- How, though? They got to every judge that rejected Lincoln's appeal?

- Doesn't take a judge.

- All it takes is a little special attention from one of his clerks.

- But how Lincoln got fast-tracked doesn't interest me. It's why.

- If he was set up, then why?

- I think the answer to that might lie in the victim.

- What do we know? He was the CEO of EcoField, right?

- He was pushing alternative energy.

- Successfully pushing alternative energy.

- So, oil companies, the Saudis, even our own government...

- a lot of people stood to benefit with Steadman out of the picture.

- Why'd you wait till now to take up this case?

- I thought he did it, like everybody else.

- I just hope it's not too late.

- Very well may be.

- You need to prepare yourself for that.

- What about you?

- Why death penalty work?

- My father did 15 years for a crime he didn't commit.

- I know first-hand that when the government gets you in their crosshairs,

- you stand very little chance.

- That's why.

- Now... do you want my help?

- - I want back in.

- Too late.

- I'll do anything you need. You see these hands?

- They're digging machines.

- You want to go to China? I'll get you to China.

- I'll dig like a psychotic rodent if I have to.

- Fish... I gotta be back in.

- As of right now, there is no "in."

- Van Gogh over there is my new cellmate.

- But you're going to do something about it, right?

- - I'll do what's necessary.

- You're my boy!

- So how you gonna do that?

- Well, let's just put it this way--

- someone's going to get hurt.

- How'd we miss this, guys?

- Scofield's father was out of the picture by the time he was born.

- Took his mother's maiden name.

- All right, Scofield had no priors and a full-time job as an engineer.

- Correct.

- Then he goes and robs a bank, discharging a gun in the process.

- So that in sentencing, he maneuvers his way to Fox River

- where his brother's scheduled to die in less than a month.

- Obviously, something is up.

- All due respect, brothers are incarcerated together all over the country.

- It may just be a coincidence.

- Move on the younger brother.

- Do it preemptively before anything rises up, bites any of us in the ass.

- It's a pathway...

- where does it lead?

- Where are you taking me?

- What, are you nuts?

- Officer! - I need an officer!

- What the hell's the problem down here?

- What... son of a bitch!

- Open up on 40!

- He's got the pathway on his body. It leads somewhere.

- Back off, Haywire!

- No, look... Look... look at his tattoos. It's a pathway.

- Haywire, I said "back off." You want a hot shot?

- I'm telling you, look at his...

- Back off, man! Get in over here!

- Let's go!

- It leads to hell! It leads to hell! It's a pathway to hell!

- He's taking us all to hell!

- So, the gang's all back together again. Well, ain't that swell?

- Told you not to go around me to The Pope.

- But you just keep making waves, don't you?

- - Good to be back, man.

- Good to have you back.

- So when do we get started?

- Good afternoon, Mr. Scofield.

- Hello. - How you feeling today?

- We're good.

- What happened?

- Um, caught an elbow playing basketball.

- Mind if I take a look?

- By all means.

- You know you're going to get killed in here, right?

- If you're not careful.

- I'll make you a bet.

- When I get out of here, alive,

- I'll take you to dinner.

- Lunch? Cup of coffee?

- Michael, this, um... this charm act

- could be exactly what's getting you into trouble out in the yard.

- Lean forward.

- All right...

- you went to the parking garage,

- Terrence Steadman is already dead.

- That's right.

- You saw that and you ran... took the gun.

- - Where?

- Storm drain, Van Buren and Wells.

- Nobody ever found it.

- All right, well, what do you do after that?

- You go back to your apartment?

- Yeah.

- I was freaking out, trying to figure out what happened.

- Then, I saw the bloody pants in the tub.

- The cops, they busted in a minute after I got there.

- The pants-- the ones with Steadman's blood on them--

- first cop on the scene says he saw you washing them in the bathtub.

- He's lying.

- My hands were wet after splashing water on my face.

- Police! Let's see your hands! Hands up!

- I never touched those pants.

- Which brings us back to the gun,

- the one you said you dumped.

- It was planted.

- It's the only way it could have got there.

- Ballistics matched to a slug...

- The gun was planted! It was planted!

- Just like the pants.

- Your fingerprints were all over the gun.

- Bo... - Who's Bo?

- He's the guy who arranged everything.

- Had me come around the night before,

- tried a few guns, see which one felt right.

- That was the setup right there.

- One of those must have been the murder weapon.

- That's how they got my fingerprints on the gun.

- Had to be.

- All right, so this, this... this Bo--

- uh, he coerces you into doing this, all to clear a $90,000 debt.

- He was going to kill my son.

- Well?

- A lot of "I didn't do it," and those don't count for much.

- Security tape, the one that shows Lincoln pulling the trigger...

- - you got it, right?

- Yeah.

- Well, if Lincoln's telling the truth, then that tape is lying.

- Think we should have a look, decide for ourselves.

- You're clear.

- If the chemicals can eat through the iron pipes,

- how come they can't eat through the toothpaste tube?

- It's only when the chemicals are combined that they become a corrosive.

- You study chemistry or something?

- Not in school.

- But what you're doing up there in the infirmary,

- what does it got to do with what we're doing here?

- Getting through this wall is just the beginning.

- There's a whole lot of real estate in between here and the outside walls.

- Infirmary's the closest building to those walls...

- ...and the weakest link in the security chain.

- Cool.

- I think I've got enough grout out to bust through.

- I'm going to need you to make some noise.

- Is that the best you can do?

- Have some faith, Papi.

- Have some faith.

- Shut up! - You suck!

- Not one more word!

- Next inmate that opens his mouth goes in the hole!

- We're good.

- You okay?

- Work. - It's fine. - I got it.

- Everything all right?

- Couldn't be better.

- You want to come in? We just sat down to eat.

- No, I just wanted to stop by to tell you in person.

- Problem solved.

- What's this?

- That is a transfer request.

- Michael Scofield is getting shipped out tomorrow.

- Have a good night.

Prison Break Season 1 Episode 5

-Previoulsy on Prison Break...

-I didn't kill that man, Michael.

-The evidence says you did.

-I was set up.

-Put down your weapon!

-I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.

-I'm looking for someone, guy named Lincoln Burrows.

-Man killed the Vice President's brother.

-Why you want to see Burrows so bad, anyhow?

-'Cause he's my brother.

-I'm getting you out of here.

-It's impossible.

-Not if you designed the place, it isn't.

-You've seen the blueprints.

-Better than that.

-I've got them on me.

-You find out who's trying to bury him.

-Nobody's trying to bury him.

-The evidence was cooked.

-There's a lawyer poking around.

-Anyone that's a threat is expendable.

-I'm going to kill that scum.

-You won't. You kill him, you kill our express ticket out of here.

-What're you doing here? Where's Maricruz?

-She's with me now.

-Fish, I gotta be back in.

-Nick Savrinn with Project Justice.

-My boss may not think Lincoln's case is worth looking into, but I do.

-When do we get started?

-Getting through this wall is just the beginning.

-There's a whole lot of real estate in between here and the outside walls.

-That is a transfer request.

-Michael Scofield is getting shipped out tomorrow.

-I assume this is about your transfer request for Michael Scofield.

-More specifically, why you denied it.

-Look, Mr. Kellerman,

-do I come into your house and tell you where to put your furniture?

-We're just asking for professional courtesy.

-But you're asking for a federal courtesy in a state penitentiary.

-Most people in your position would be happy to have another body taken off their hands.

-These men are my responsibility from the minute they walk through those walls

-to the time that they've paid their debt to society, I'm responsible for them.

-Which means that unless Mr. Scofield has done something I don't know about,

-he is going to stay here at Fox River under my watch.

-Mr. Pope, in our line of work, we've discovered that

-just about everyone has done something that someone doesn't know about.

-What's this?

-Right now, just a piece of history.

-Whether it becomes a current event, now that's up to you.

-My wife already knows about Toledo.

-Does she really?

-You're a smart man, Warden.

-I'm sure if you look hard enough, you could find a reason why Michael Scofield's

-presence is no longer required at this particular correctional facility.

-Could use more PVC. here, boss.


-Sure thing, Burrows.

-But, hey, I don't want to check your trunk for splinters.

-I want every piece accounted for. Sure.

-I got a ripped fertilizer bag inside!

-Hey, you!


-Get in there and clean it up before this whole place starts smelling like San Juan.

-Hey, he's on his way. You mind telling me what this is all about?

-These are the guys we're breaking out with.

-I don't think so, Fish.

-That was not our agreement.

-I'm not going to work with this...

-crazy rhino.

-Keep pushing it, John.

-Yeah, I keep pushing it, you know. Huh?

-What's your deal, man?

-Touch my brother again, and I'll show you.


-Your brother?

-We've only got a few minutes.

-We're gonna spend them spitting on each other, or are we gonna talk some business?

-The reason we're all here today is we have a decision to make--


-English, Fitz or Percy?

-If we're going to pull this off, we need to take one of them out.

-And you want us to tell you which one?

-I just want you to help me get to them.

-I'll take it from there.

-You're crazy, you know that?

-All I need is five minutes.

-Oh, you won't even get five seconds.

-Thought you had everything worked out, Fish.

-We're not breaking out of a Jamba Juice, gentlemen.

-It's gonna take a little more than digging a few holes.

-There are eyes, ears, dots that couldn't be connected from the outside.

-And English, Fitz and Percy...

-One of those dots.

-How exactly are you supposed to pull this off?

-With a little help from my friends.

-Sucre, hold up.

-Scofield, you got company.

-Why do I get the feeling that there's more to you than meets the eye, Scofield?

-Anything you want to tell me?

-Some other reason you're in here, besides holding up a bank?

-You're being transferred.


-We're moving you over to Statesville.

-You can't do that.

-Yes, I can. I'm the boss here.

-This is my house.

-Three weeks.

-What for?

-Lincoln Burrows-- he's being executed in three weeks.

-Well, I'm aware of that. What's that to you?

-He's my brother.

-When I knew I was being sent to prison, my attorney petitioned the D.O.C.

-So you could be near him.

-That's right.

-Don't take that away from me.

-Not until it's over.

-I'm not the one behind the transfer.

-You're up against much bigger fish than me.

-I'll arrange for you to say good-bye.

-You ship out tomorrow.

-I'm going into the walls tonight, see if I can access the roof.

-You going to tell me about the transfer?

-I'm taking care of it.

-You're taking care of it?

-Sounds to me like you're reaching.


-a little.

-A little? You know, I had made my peace to what was coming.

-and then you show up and give me the one thing a man in my situation shouldn't have--

-hope-- and now that's gonna be taken away.

-- Don't do this, Linc.

- I got three weeks.

-What do you want me to do?


-Come on, Michael.

-What do you want me to do?

-Bring her back.

-You know I can't do that.

-But look, there's some stuff that I can do.

-It's not gonna be the same, but we're gonna figure it out.

-And, no matter what, it's still gonna be me and you.

-Okay, but what if something happens to you?

-You just... have a little faith.

-Just have a little faith.

-All right, here's the deal.

-We believe Lincoln. This tape is a lie.

-It has to be.

-You saw it. It's all there.

-Yeah, but, maybe what we're looking for is what's not there.

-Okay. Steadman.

-You see, what's he looking at?

-Car? A pedestrian?

-No, no, no. His eye line is too high, right?

-It's like he's looking right into the camera.

-Might as well be saying "cheese."

- Now he just sits there.

-- Like, 10, 15 seconds, as if he was...

- Waiting for someone.

- Right.


-That's a nine millimeter.

-Shouldn't there be some kind of kick or something?

-Lincoln's pretty strong.

-Yeah, but strong enough to bury a recoil?

-No. You shoot someone, supposedly for revenge,

-do you take the time to go back in and hit the glove box

-or you just get the hell out of there?

-Fed said he was trying to make it look like a robbery.


-Look at Lincoln's angle as he leaves the frame.


-Walks away from the car.

-Now, this guy, who conveniently hides his face from the camera,

-he comes back in. Why?

-To explain the bloody pants they'd already planted in his apartment.

- Nick, this is great.

- Yeah.

-Who should we go to?


-Yet. I mean, to the unbiased eye, we're just backing a horse that died in the gate.

-A lot of "what ifs" and conjecture, you know.

-We don't have anything. We need some evidence.

-Look, if... if Lincoln didn't fire this gun,

-then somebody with some serious skills went to work on this tape to prove that he did.

-Fine, but how do we prove that?

-I know a guy.

-You know a guy?

-Yeah, I know a guy.


-Seems we need to have another powwow.

-There's been talk about you packing your bags.

-Don't believe everything you hear.

-I'm not going anywhere.

-You know, I have a really hard time trusting you, Fish.

-The important thing is that we stay on schedule.

-And English, Fitz and Percy?

-English, Fitz or Percy.

-You want to know which one I think we should take out?

-All due respect, I don't need opinions.

-I need answers.

-Remember, the warden leaves at 5:00 tonight,

-so by 5:05, we're going to need that key.

-And how is this key going to give you the answers?

-I'll worry about that.

-You worry about getting the key.


-This key better be worth it.


-Afternoon, Mr. Scofield.

-I need to know if there's any way to block a transfer order.

-There's about 50 ways.

-All right.

-I'll take the quickest.

-You file a motion for what they call an "interlocutory injunction."

-How long does that take?

-How fast can you write?

-A man can claim almost anything violates his constitutional rights.

-There's environmental issues, allergies, religious requirements, take your pick.

-- What if they don't buy it?

-- Don't matter.

-Court's required by law to hear your motion.

-Until they do, you can't be transferred.

-Hell, they been trying to move my tired, gray behind for ten years.

-God bless the American legal system.

-Why do you want to stay in here so badly?

-Someone here I can't bear to leave behind.

-I guess that means we got something in common.

-State's requiring a physical for Lincoln Burrows.

-You heard the news, didn't you?

-Thanks. No. What?

-They're brothers.

- Who?

- Burrows and Scofield.

-Michael Scofield?

-Heard it from one of the C.O.s over in gen pop.

-He didn't say anything to you about it?


-Oh. Must be hard to be here so close to your brother

-and not be able to do anything to help him.

-What's this?

-More bathroom reading.

-Westmoreland again?


-He's blocking his transfer.

-Even if the motion is denied, it's going to take 30 days to process.

-And that means...

-All right, I'm going in.

-I'm going to need your help.

-You mean in-in?

-Now? I thought you were waiting...

-I need to make sure I know how I'm getting up there, so when the time comes...

-Yo, yo, yo.

-In case you didn't notice, the lights are all on.

-We got a live studio audience, Fish.

-How are you going to get around that?

-Don't we have some laundry to do?

-Just to be clear, I ain't touching your drawers.

-Eyes straight ahead.

-Keep it moving.-Keep it moving.-Keep it moving.


-Get him! Get him!-Get him!

-Get off me!

-Get him! Get him!-Get him!

-Get off me!


-I can't deal with this.


-Come on.

-Yo, Fish!

-Fish, you're taking too long, bro!

-This ain't gonna fly, man.

-The 'Ricans, we got genetically higher blood pressure, you know that?

-My cousin, he died from too much stress.

-Thought you said your cousin was moving in on your girl.

-That's my other cousin, but thanks for bringing that up, jackass.

-Look, the good news is, I can get to the roof.

-So what happens now?


-It's all about timing.

-This is a top-dollar job.

- Do you know who did it?

- No. You?

-People who do this kind of work are ghosts, man.

-The guy behind the guy behind the guy, you know what I mean?

-You see anything? Definitive cuts?

-Any place that proves the tape might've been doctored?

-The thing's clean.

-No footprints.

-I mean, usually, you peel a video back a couple of layers and anything bogus comes off.

-You know, now you see it, now you don't.

-But not this one.

-It's laced.


-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- you see something?

- No.

-The problem with your eyes is that they play tricks on you.

-Now, but your ears...

-ears don't lie.

-Look. Here's the audio track from the tape.

-- Sound pretty true, right?

- Yeah.

-But noise is a lie.

-See, it doesn't just die like that.

-Stripped down, those levels should be dancing.

-I mean, a room that size would give you a...

-a... blam, blam, blam, blam. You know?

-Like, one off each wall, split second after the other.

-On yours, the reverb's bouncing at the same time.

-What does that mean?

-The sound of the gunshot, it wasn't recorded in that room.

-Would you testify to that?

-Oh, I, uh... I don't know.

-Tape you gave me's a dupe.

-You know, for all I know, you guys tampered with it.

-Look, you want me to testify in court,

-I'm going to need to get my hands on the original.

- How are those allergies?

- Excuse me?

-In your motion, you cited chronic, um...

- Sinusitis.

- Hmm.

-It's not an allergy, actually.

-It's a bacterial infection.


-The moist air from the river along the east wall helps keep me, you know...


-I'm impressed.

-Not even a week in here and you're already working it like an old con.

-Well, you've got one up on me, Warden.

-You know why I needed to file those motions,

-but I have no idea why you needed to transfer me.

-Traffic control, Scofield, that's all.

-Traffic control.

-Look, it's coming up on 5:00.

-What do you say we call it a day?

-- I don't think I can do that, sir.

- Why not?

-If I let go of this support right now, the whole thing's coming down.

-See, the Taj was designed using axial force,

-a series of internal forces along a longitudinal axis.

-Uh-huh, yeah.

-How much longer?

-Depends on how long it takes to dry.

-If you need me to leave, I can show your secretary how to hold it.

-All right, you can stay till it dries.

-There'll be a guard waiting outside the door.

-Just check in with Becky when you're done

-and she'll have somebody escort you back to your cell.

-All right.

-And, uh, Scofield...

-I want to thank you for showing up today.

-I would have understood it if you didn't.

-We had a deal.


-Still, thanks.

-My wife is going to love it.

-You're welcome.

- see you tomorrow, sir.

- Patterson.

- Good night, Warden.

- night, Becky.

-We just happen to be two people, who happen to know each other,

-who happen to show up at the same movie theater,

-at what happens to be the same time.

-That's it.

-You know, from this angle, you look just as good as you did when we first met.

-How about from this one?

-Even better.

- Oh.

- Uh-uh.

-Those are for your guests.


-Your associates?

-They said you had a meeting.

-They're in the den.

-Evening, Warden.

-There's nothing I can do.

-I'm legally obligated to file every properly drafted motion with the court

-so that a hearing can be scheduled.

-And how long does that take?

-A month, maybe two if there's a logjam.

-I'm sorry, but it's out of my hands.

-Why do I get the feeling you're not all that disappointed?

-May I ask you a question, Warden?

-More of an observation, really.

-I was looking at the, um,

-morgue photos from that boy back in Toledo, Will Clayton.

-And, my Lord, if he wasn't the spitting image of his daddy.

-Apple fell real far from the tree with that one, didn't it?

-Fell off the tree, fell all over the pavement.

-You son of a bitch.

-Your wife gave you a pass on the affair.

-Something tells me that's pretty much all the forgiveness she's got left in her bag.

-Especially when it comes to an illegitimate child.

-What happened with young Will, Warden?

-Get out of my house.

-Lose Scofield's paperwork.

-You gentlemen staying for dinner?

-Thanks, but I think we're on our way.

-Judy, it was a real pleasure.

-Thank you.

-And that just may have been the best iced tea I've ever had.

-Warden, better do everything you can to hold on to this one.

-I will.


-Is everything all right?

-Oh, yeah. Just fine, honey.

-I just have a little unfinished work to take care of.

-I'll be right in.


-It's all clear.

-Evening, Lincoln.


-I'm, uh, supposed to give you a physical this evening.

- Mm-Hmm.

-- Believe me,

-apologize in advance for the heavy dose of irony we're about to participate in.

-That's all right.

-Just doing your job.

-Yeah, well, letting the state know that you're healthy enough to execute

-is not why I went to medical school.


-I apologize.

-It's okay.

-All right.

-I'm, uh, going to need a family medical history from you,

-any ailments or conditions that are hereditary.

-Start with your mom.

-Hmm... cancer, liver.

-Okay, father?

-Um, split when I was young.


-Anyone besides Michael?

-Fox River's a small town, Lincoln.

-People around here don't have a whole lot to do besides time and talk.

-You close?

-We were.

-How about now?


-How about now?

-He's been abandoned his whole life.

-Dad, Mom, she died young, and now me.

-Think that's why he's here?

-'Cause your...

-your death would feel like it's happening again?

-I abandoned him a long time ago. That's why he's here.

-Gates closing!

-It's time.


-Oh, God, here we go again.

-Count's in 15 minutes.

-What are you doing?

-Trust me, the less you know, the better.

-The less I know?

-Man, you got me in the dark.

-That's exactly where you want to be.

-Don't normally find you here at this hour.

-Are you, uh, seeking his forgiveness or advice?

-I really don't know anymore, Ben.

-All I know is my son Will was my responsibility.

-And if I'd stayed in his life, I could have saved his life.

-His death was an accident, Henry.

-He was a criminal and an addict, but he was only 18 years old.

-His mother made it clear you couldn't be in his life

-if you weren't going to be in hers.

-When you chose to stay with Judy, you understood that.

-I not only understood it, I was grateful for it.

-I told myself I...

-I was respecting her wishes.

-I cursed her under my breath while every day

-I thanked God for allowing me to wash my hands of...

-of Toledo...

-all of it.

-So, I ran home to Judy.

-I buried the secret.

-But I never got a chance to...

-to bury my...

-my son.

-What kind of a person does that, Ben?

-Sacrifices somebody else's life just to make their own life easier?

-You can argue with me all night.

-Believe me, I haven't got anything better to do.

-But it won't change the fact that

-I can't just hand out original copies of evidence.

-If you could just take a look...

-Oh, I don't care if your FOIL is signed by the attorney general,

-I can't give it to you.

-What if we brought somebody here to watch it?

-Your supervisor could monitor him the entire time.

-He'd strip down, swear on a stack of bibles. Whatever it takes.

-Wait, what did you say the docket number was?

-It's, uh, 296-SPE.

-What's wrong?

-Come with me.

-Last night, a pipe burst upstairs, flooded the place.

-Files from over a hundred cases, pretty much lost all of them, including yours.

-Just this room?

-Some kind of freak accident.

-Count 'em.


-Malinowski, Pohlen.

-Chance, Graziano.

-Scofield, Sucre.


-Get the hell out here.

-We got a runner!

-All right, for the last time, pi馻ta, where the hell's Scofield?

-He's gone, you're gone. You hear me?

-Call it off, Captain.

-I got Scofield right here.


-In the warden's office.

-You looking at him?

-Stop trying to nail the secretary and check the damn office!

-Captain, he's gone.

-Man can't just vanish, deputy.

-I know, sir.

-He never checked out with you?

- No.

- and the rear door?

-It's still locked, sir. I checked.

-How the hell did he...?

-What's going on?

-You're in the warden's office after hours.

-I could kill you and the paperwork wouldn't need much more than the date!

-Tell me, what were you doing in here?

-All right, deputy, that's enough.

-Work wasn't dry, you said to stay until it was.

- you were in here the whole time?

- Yes, sir.

-It's true. I never saw him leave.

-I must not have seen him behind the table.

-Warden, all due respect, this is ridiculous!

- this prisoner was out of his cell.

- he missed the count.

-I understand, deputy.

-Thing is, Mr. Scofield is not our problem anymore.

-Seems there was an error in his paperwork.

-He's going to be transferred after all.

-That's not possible.

-Escort the prisoner back to his cell.

-Warden, all I need is three weeks.

-Get off me!

-Hey, come on, now!

-Please, I just need a little time.

-Just give me the time.

-Any chance you want to write this off as a coincidence?

-Me, neither.

-How could they have known we were coming for the tape?

-Three hours ago, we didn't even know.

-Well, we're pissing someone off.

-You say that like it's a good thing.

-People start breaking the law, you know you're getting warm.

-We still have our copy of the tape, so maybe...


-Stay here.

-Whoever it was is gone.

-Does it look like they got anything?


-Everything's exactly the way I left it.

-What? What?


-- The tape, it's gone.

- are you sure?

-How could they know?

-Let's think this through.

-How could they know exactly where to look?

-Wait, wait. Does anyone else have a key to this place?

-- No!

- you sure this is where you put it?

-You were here, remember?

-I was talking to you, I walked toward the cabinet, and I said...



-Are you okay?


-Open up!

-Breakfast, gentleman!

-Let's move it!

-Sucre, let's go.

-Scofield, wait here.

-I'm sure your ride will be along any minute now.

-This can't be it.

-It can't end like this.

-Let's move it!



-They were going to take Fitz out.

-It was as clear as day.

-And the cops?

-How long did it take them to respond?

-You got all the timing down?

-Think we would have made it?

-Sucre, now.

-Hey, Fishface, where you going?

-Call my wife,

-tell her to get the kids and get the hell out of the country.

-I'm sorry.

-Don't forget to buckle up.

-What's this prisoner doing out of his cell?

-Being transferred.

-No, no, no, no.

-There must be some kind of a mistake.

-This man filed a motion yesterday.

-He has a medical condition which precludes transfer.

-Sinusitis, right?


-Take the prisoner back to his cell.

-But yank his rec time.

-He missed count last night.


-You're home early.

-Everything okay?

-Yeah.-Yeah, it is.

-There's just, um...


-there's someone I need to tell you about.


-The transfer didn't go through.

-That's disappointing.

-We can refile, but the warden...

-It's a waste of time.

-I think it's time we stop beating around the bush, gentlemen,

-and go after the damn bush!


-What do you want done?

-Take the only thing Burrows has left: time.

-After all, the chair isn't the only way to take a man's life in prison.

Prison Break Season 1 Episode 6

-Previously on Prison Break...

-- I didn't kill that man, Michael.

- The evidence says you did.

-I was set up.

-Put down your weapon!

-I find it incumbent that you

-see the inside of a prison cell.

-I'm looking for someone,

-guy named Lincoln Burrows.

-Man killed the Vice

-President's brother.

-Why you want to see Burrows so bad,


-'Cause he's my brother.

-- I'm getting you out of here.

-- It's impossible.

-Not if you designed the place,

-it isn't.

-You've seen the blueprints.

-Better than that...

-I've got 'em on me.

-There's a lawyer poking around.

-Miss Donovan.

-I didn't mean to scare you.

-It's gone!

-Does anyone else have

-a key to this place?

-You were here, remember?

-I walked over to the cabinet,

-and I...

-Got an issue with our

-little friend over there?

-Maybe it's time I lit up that

-leather once and for all.

-What happened?

-Don't make me lie to you.

-You heard the news, didn't you?

-No, what?

-- They're brothers.

- Who?

- Burrows and Scofield.

- Michael Scofield?

-I'm going to the wall tonight.

-See if I can access the roof.

-Take the only thing

-Burrows has left.

-The chair isn't the only way to

-take a man's life in prison.

-Just a few more rides.

-Then you have to wrap it up.

-Oh, Adam's getting bigger, huh?

- Ten. Hmm?

- Not here.

-We need a favor.

-Been out of the life for years.

-You know that.

-I know.

-Problem is, Diamond,

-no one's gonna believe that

-after I take the heroin

-I have in my pocket

-and put it in the glove box of the

-reasonably priced minivan you hav

- parked over there.

-I will cuff you.

-I will drag you out of

-here in front of everyone.

-What do you need?

-What America needs

-is an environmentally friendly,

-logistically feasible,

-and economically responsible

-alternative fuel source.

-Leave a message, I'll call you back.


-Hi, it's Wendy.

-I know you wanted to work with no

-distractions, so don't pick up.

-I just wanted to let you know that Nick

-Savrinn left six messages for you.

-What'd you tell him?

-Oh, uh, what you said to say,

-that you were in a meeting.

-Look, if he comes by the office

-tomorrow, tell him I'm not there, okay?

-Okay. Good night, Veronica.

-Thanks, Wendy.

-Bed check.

-Do you want to tell me why you haven't

-returned any of my phone calls?

-Look, I really appreciate

-everything you've done, okay?

-But I don't want your help anymore.

-Don't want my help anymore...

-Do you really think I had something

-to do with that missing tape?

-No, look, I'm just gonna go grab a cup

-of coffee, and get back to work, okay?

-I don't have time

-for this right now.


-Just wait a second.

-Will you hold on a second?

- Listen, why do you avoid...?

-- Don't touch me, all right?

-Everything okay, Miss Donovan?


-do you mind walking me back inside?

-Take a walk, pal.

-You're being paranoid.

-- You're being paranoid.

- Go away.

-Show some skin, Scofield.

-Hey, Scofield.

-I'm trying to sleep, boss.

-I can't get through the wall.

-What do you mean,

-you can't get through the wall?

-I know how to do it.

-I just don't have

-the time to do it.

-We're locked up.

-All we got is time.

-You don't understand.

-I planned this break on a schedule.

-Them constantly coming

-up here for count

-won't let me do what I need to

-do to get through that wall.

-If I'm not back on schedule,

-which means we're through that

-wall by the end of the day manana,

-we're not getting out of here.

-Look, there are three things

-for certain in life--

-death, taxes and count.

-Only way to stop count is...


-Never mind. It's a bad idea.

-Worse than the idea

-of losing Maricruz?

-A lockdown.

-We get Gen Pop locked down for a day,

-you'll have all the time you need.

- and no count?

-- Bulls don't even come by.

-Only one problem.

-How do we get a lockdown?

-Can you get to the prison AC unit?


-You want a lockdown,

-you got to get the inmates riled up.

-And if you want to piss

-off the meat in concrete,

-turn up the heat.

-I thought you were retired.

-Never mind me.

-Some heavy hitters want this done,

-so that means I want it done.

-No screw ups.

-For you, Diamond,

-it's not a problem,

-Burrows is as good as dead.

-Hottest April on record.

- Global warming.

- Probably. you got a minute?

-Uh-huh. About five years worth.

-Sure, right, um...

-You never told me Lincoln

-Burrows is your brother.

- It never came up.

- Right.

-I'm curious if that isn't because

-of my father, the governor.

-He may not be the one pulling the

-switch, but you and I both know

-he has the power to grant clemency,

-and he won't, and he never does.

-My old man was an abusive

-drunk who abandoned his family.

-I don't judge anyone by

-their father's actions.

-Or inactions.

-If that was your concern.

-Just so you know,

-I don't agree with his politics.

-I'm sorry about your brother.

-I appreciate that.

-Hey, this isn't much.


-I have to give Lincoln

-a weekly checkup now.

-If you want,

-I could schedule those visits

-to end right before you

-come in for your shots.

-That way, uh,

-you could at least see each other,

-even if it's just in passing.

-Thank you.


-Greetings from the kitchen, Fish.

-100 bucks.

-Theodore Bagwell,

-transferred back from the infirmary.


-We got you a little

-get well gift.


-It's just the right size.

-Thank you, boys.

-I'll catch up with you later.

-What's you name?


-You new, Seth?

-Scared? Look at me, boy.

-You probably heard

-stories about me.

-They're not all true.

-What do you say we go for a walk?

-Your co-counsel's already here.

-Excuse me?

-What the hell are you doing here?

-I'm talking to my client.

-- Don't talk to him.

- Veronica...

-We don't know anything

-about this guy.

-He found something

-that can help us out.

-You have one minute.

-I've been going over the incident

-report from the night of the murder,

-and somebody made an anonymous

-phone call to the local cops

-claiming to see Lincoln

-running away from the garage

-with bloody pants.

-We've been through this.

-Look, you can't cross-examine a

-witness if you don't know who it is.

-We don't need to know who he is;

-we know where he is.

-What do you mean?

-Well, it took some doing, but a P.I.

-friend of mine

-tracked that phone call back

-to the police department.

-Whoever made that call couldn't have

-seen Lincoln running from the garag

- that night.

-How do you know?

-Because the phone call

-came from Washington, D.C.

-You were supposed to turn off the A/C,

-not turn on the furnace.

-It's getting so hot in here.

-Did I say you could talk, Cherry?

-You'll know when I want

-you to open your mouth.


-You got to do something

-about the heat.

- Doing The best we can.

- Your best is garbage.

-It's a hundred degrees in here.

-Look like I got frostbite to you?

-Line up!

-Why don't you transfer us

-all someplace cooler...

-like Africa?

-Get your ass on the line, convict.

-All of you, hit that line!

-We'll move when the

-temperature situation

-is rectified, all right?

-Hey, Bellick,

-this is Mack in Cell Block.

-We got some cons popping off.

-Give 'em a smack,

-throw 'em on the line and write 'em up.

-If you can't handle it,

-don't cash your paycheck this week.

-This is not a good time, Doc.

-Oh, I just got a call a prisoner

-was suffering from heat exhaustion.

-- He's faking it.

- is that Your medical opinion?

-We got a bunch of overheated

-cons getting loud in the A-Wing.

-I don't blame them.

-It's an oven in there.

-Everything's under control,

-but you should go back to

-the infirmary building.

-When things calm down,

-I'll have your patients

-transferred from sick bay.

-I'm just looking out

-for your best interests.

-And I appreciate that, um...

-but, Officer Bellick,

-you and I both know

-that it's illegal to deny

-a prisoner medical care,

-and you could lose

-your job over it.

-And I'm just looking out

-for your best interests.

-Go right on in.

-Thank you, sir.

-Don't be a baby, T-Bag.

-It's ain't that hot.

-Not that hot?!

-When this guy woke up this morning,

-he was white!

-You want to cool off?

-Step back!

-We'll step back when we get

-some wind blowing in here.

-All right, that's it! Lockdown!

-Everyone back to your cells!

-I said, everyone back to your cells now,



-You got your lockdown, bro.

-- You're coming with me.

- What? no, no, no.

-I'm the lookout, man, that's it.

-I need you down there.

-It's a two-man job.

-Let's hang a sheet.

-N-N-No way, man.

-You only hang a sheet

-when you and your cellie want

-to get friendly, you know?

-You want to protect

-your prison rep,

-or you want to get out of here?

-What the hell's going on in here?

-Well, these inmates became belligerent

-and they refused to rack in.

-You locked it down with inmates

-still out of their cells?

-We can handle 20 out-of-control

-inmates easier than 300.

-Listen up, bros, listen up.

-Bellick, I got one for you.

-What do you call a piece of white

-trash who couldn't pass the cops' exam

-and now makes less than a mailman?

-A C.O.

-Get your hands of the fence.

-Suck it, pig!

-You know, Teddy, you really let me down,

-and that's hard to do,

-because I don't expect much...

-from the inbred child of a retard.

-That's right, Teddy.

-I read your psych records...

-about how your daddy raped

-his mongoloid sister,

-and then nine months later,

-little Teddy pops out.

-I'm going to kill you!

-It's hotter than hell.

-They'll wear themselves

-out eventually.

-The call was a fake.

-What about a stay

-of execution or...?

-No, no, it's legally insufficient.

-What the hell does that...


-What the hell does that mean?

-It means the prosecution could point out

-the evidence from your criminal trial.


-The blood, the video, the gun.

-A questionable phone call is

-not going to stack up to that.

-- But it's something, right?

- Absolutely.

-We got an area code,

-and my contact is going to track that

-number to someplace more specific--

-a building,

-a neighborhood, a block--

-to the person who

-made this phone call.

-What happens next?

-We need to catch the

-next flight to D.C.

-That is, of course,

-if you trust me now.

-It's coming!

-It's coming! It's coming!

-Get on the train!

-Get on the train!

-Get on the train!

-Let's get to my office.

-Oh, just what I thought.

-The piglets are scared

-of the big bad wolf.

-Big bad wolf!

-Just what I thought.

-Get on the train!

-Come on.

-Marilyn, no!

-Whose keys are those?

-I guess in the commotion...

-How many rounds do you think you're

-going to get off before they get thei

- hands on you?

-This is Bellick.

-Our wing has been breached.

-I want A-Wing evacuated

-and shut down.

-All access to B-Wing cut off now.

-We'll get some fluids into you,

-you'll be good as new, okay?

-Nod your head if you believe me.

-Good man.


-What can we do for you today?


-This where it hurts?

-A little higher and to the left.

-You're three weeks post-op.

-Your knee is being held together

-by a rod and three screws.

-I'm saying tenderness is normal,

-no more meds.

-Okay... Kuame, why are you back?

-Inmates in cell block

-have compromised

-lockdown and breached A-Wing

-through the guard station.

-A-Wing is shutting down.


-It's popping off up in Gen Pop!

-That's what I'm talking about,


-Somewhere on the other

-side of this wall

-is the main drainage pipe to

-the prison's old sewer system.

-We can get through this wall,

-we can get into the pipe.

-We can get into the pipe,

-we can get into the infirmary.

-If we can get to the infirmary,

-then we can get out of here.


-all visitors have to leave the facility.

- This is privileged attorney...

- you have to leave.

-There's a minor

-disturbance in cell block.

-A-Wing is being shut down

-for safety purposes.


-Veronica, Michael is in there.

- Will you be okay?

- you have to leave now.

-Go to D.C.-- it's all we got.

-I'll take care of Michael.

-All right?

- Okay.

- Please.

-Sorry about cutting you short.

-Bob, how many times have I told you not

-to apologize. It makes you look weak.

-Now what's going on?

-Like I said,

-it's a minor disturbance.

-Minor disturbance? My brother's in

-Gen Pop, give it to me straight.

-Some clowns breached cell block.

-But they won't get anywhere.

-We always have locked

-doors on either end.

-There's nothing to worry about.

-Son of a bitch.

-Additional sections of A-Wing

-have been compromised.

-I'll be damned.

-A rookie C.O.,

-and it ain't even Christmas.

-Get the cuffs off.

-Get out of here, T-Bag.

-Oh, I see--

-you found him first, finder's keepers?

-You know, I respect that.

-I do. But, uh...

-I think we can work something out.

-What you got?

-Oh, I can make your last few weeks

-on Earth, quite, quite enjoyable.

-Get you some Demerol, some X...

-You know, make you forget

-about that big, bad chair.

-No deal.

-You've got to learn

-the art of negotiating.

-Lesson one: Bargaining position.

-Yours just changed.

- What are you doing?

- I gotta get out of here.

-Look around,

-you're not gonn make it.

-No blood needs to spill, Sink.

-Then walk away.

-We both know that

-ain't gonna happen.


-That's one big pile of concrete.

-How do you know where the pipe is?

-I got someone to

-show us where it is.

-Oh, really? Who?

-Infection's not so bad,

-but I'm going to give you a shot of

-penicillin just to make sure, okay?

-Thanks, Doc.

-This is Rizzo.

-Does anyone need back up, over?


-A-Wing is evacuating and locked down.

-Remain in B-Wing.

-What's up, Doc?

-Come on, Doc.

-You don't want to do this.

-We're sorry. This line is

-experiencing technical difficulties.

-You ever see one of

-them safari shows,

-where a bunch of cheetahs just

-jump all up on an antelope?

-Guess which one you are?

-Tough little gorilla, ain't he?

-I was raised to believe the

-devil's got some crazy power,

-but I don't think shining him on

-this wall is gonna bring it down.

-Not unless he's got a

-sledgehammer with him.

-We don't need a sledgehammer.

-What the hell am I

-supposed to do with this?

-Sick Bay, report?

-Sick Bay, please report.

-Rizzo, is everything okay?

-All clear in Sick Bay. Over.

-Roger that.

-Let the bulls worry

-about the noise.

-You worry about how you're gonna

-drill through a six-inch concrete wall

-with what used to be an eggbeater.

-We just need a few small holes.

-How are we going to fit

-through a few small holes?

-Ever hear of tensile strength?

-Hooke's Law of Elasticity?

-What do you think?

-If we drill holes in

-strategic locations,

-we compromise the load-carrying

-capacity of the wall.

-How about speaking English?

-We'll be able to break through the part

-of the wall that covers the pip

- opening.

-Give me that.

-We go in through the tip of each horn,

-the eyes,

-the end of the nose,

-the bottom of the fangs

-and end of the braids.

-It makes a kind of

-X. Let's get to it.

-If I can get DIRT in there with some of

-the newer firepower the state'

- issued...

-Oh, yeah, so we can end the riots

-today and start the funeral tomorrow?

-I can contain this, sir.

-- I've got a call for you.

- Not now.

-I think you should take this, boss.

-It's the governor.

- Governor.

-- Where's my daughter?

-Not to worry, sir, she's fine.

-She's in sick bay in B-Wing.

-It's a completely different

-part of the facility.

-It's, uh,

-totally locked off from the disturbance.

-Disturbance? That's what you're

-calling a riot nowadays?

-Can any of these

-animals get to her?

-Sir, it's impossible for anyone

-from A-Wing to get into sick bay.

-The guard there assures us

-that everything is fine.

-We have everything under control,


-For your sake,

-you better hope you do.

-I'm going to dance with you, Doc!

-We're going to dance

-till the sun come up!

-It's your turn.

-I ain't messing with no Diablo,


-We can't afford downtime.

-We have to switch off drilling.

-It's bad mojo, bro.

-Are you kidding me?

-I mess with him,

-you drill into him,

-he gets pissed, and then what, huh?

-I got enough enemies already.

-You believe in God, right?

-You know I do.

-So you're protected.

-He'll protect you from him.

-I assure you, once Bob and I

-are done getting acquainted...

-...everyone else

-will get their turn.


-We're going to have a little fun now.

-Don't worry.

-I don't got the blickey.

-My pipes are clean.

-Now, where you going, rookie?

-No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

-They always think

-they can run away.

-I've got a question for you, Fish.

-What if we do all this work,

-and the pipe is ten feet that way?

-- It won't be.

- you got X-ray vision?

-I calculated the drill

-point coordinates,

-hid them in my tattoo, and then

-projected them back onto the wall.

-Everything's been worked out so

-the image hits the right spot.

-It's just math.

-What if your math is wrong?

-You'll drill into one of a

-dozen gas lines behind the wall.

-There'll be an explosion,

-and we'll be burned alive.

-But you're good at math, right?

-They're breaking out.

-- They're breaking...

- Shh.

-Yo, Stroke,

-you got longer arms than me, man.

-Ow! Son of a...

-That bitch stuck me.

-They think it's hot now?

-I want all the water shut off.

-- I'll call it in.

- Mack, you take care of it.

-Yes, sir.

- Yeah, we have a problem.

-- Oh, that's right. Yeah.

-Bob here seen the hole.

-He's got to go away.

-- No one's going anywhere.

-- He's seen the hole.

-So have you.

-Looks like your lockup idea

-didn't work out too good, huh?

-I have a daughter. Please.

-We gotta kill him.

-The cops are right outside.

-They'll stay outside,

-as long as they know

-we're keeping him alive.

-But he's a guard.

-He's gonna squeal.

-What the hell does this

-have to do with you anyway?

-This is not any of your concern.



-Bob here knows about our secret.

-He knows about our escape.

-So it's all of our concern,

-now isn't it?

-Easy, big fella. It's just me.

-Looks like you took

-a pretty good hit.

-Cons got that rook

-guard in Gen Pop.

-Kid's probably dead already,

-or wishing he was.

-Where's Scofield?

-I haven't seen him

-since things jumped off.

-I gotta find him.

-You're looking for Scofield?

-Yeah, Turk.

-Come on.

-You got things backwards, pervert.

-You're in as much trouble as he is,

-you understand?

-Go ahead, go ahead.

-Stick me. Stick me.

-Let's see how many

-times I can shout out

-about your little hole in

-there before I bleed out, huh?

-'Cause every con in here is gonna

-know about your little escape,

-before one drop of my

-blood hits the floor.

-So, you see, friends,

-either I'm through

-that hole with you,

-or I'm gonna sing like Johnny Cash.

-Hey, yo,

-Stroke's about to get the doc!


-I need you to finish what we started.

-What's going on, man?

-Where you going?

-Sick Bay.

-Hey, there's no way into B-Wing.

-We're all locked out.

-I'm not. No one touches the C.O.

-No one.

-You gonna clue me in, paisan?

-It's faster if we cut through here.

-Burrows is as good as dead.

Prison Break Season 1 Episode 7

-Previously on Prison Break:

-I didn't kill that man,


-The evidence says you did.

-I was set up.

-Put down your weapon.

-I find it incumbent that you

-see the inside of a prison cell.

-I'm looking for someone.

-A guy named Lincoln Burrows.

-The man killed the Vice

-President's brother.

-Why you want to see

-Burrows so bad anyhow?

-- 'Cause he's my brother.

-- I'm getting you out of here.

-That's impossible.

-Not if you designed

-the place it isn't.

-- You've seen the blueprints.

- Better than that.

-I've got them on me.

-I took some time to

-speak to your mother...

-If you're talking about

-that guy at Fox River...

-He refuses to call

-him his father.

-Take the only thing

-Burrows has left.

-The chair isn't the only way to

-take a man's life in prison.

-And now,

-scenes from last week's episode.

-Constantly coming

-up here for count

-won't let me do what I need to

-do to get through that wall.

-Only way to stop

-count is a lockdown.

-You've got to get

-the inmates riled up.

-All right, that's it!


-Somebody made an

-anonymous phone call.

-Whoever made that call

-couldn't have seen Lincoln.

-How do you know?

-Because the phone call

-came from Washington, DC.

-This is Bellick.

-Our wing has been breached.

-Hooke's Law of Elasticity.

-If we drill holes in

-strategic locations,

-we compromise the load-carrying

-capacity of the wall.

-Take the cuffs off.

-A rookie CO.

-Get out of here, T-Bag.

-I think we can work

-something out.

-No deal.

-Where's my daughter?

-Not to worry, sir. She's fine.

-The guard there assures us

-that everything is fine.

-We have everything under control,


-You better hope you do.

-They're breaking out.

-They're breaking...


-We need a favor.

-Some heavy hitters

-want this done so...

-Burrows is as good as dead.

- You looking for Scofield?

- Yeah.

-Come on.

-Hey, yo,

-Big Stroke's about to get the doc!


-I need you to finish what we started.

-No one touches the CO. No one.

- Any word from the governor?

- Not yet, boss.


-Get those guys in line!

-Get them into formation.

- We going back in?

- Not yet.

-We cut the water off

-about an hour ago.

-The stink alone should

-drive them out of there.

-- You think that's gonna work?

-- No, but it's protocol,

-and we're all gonna

-do this by the book.

-It's the best chance we have of

-everybody getting out of there without

-getting hurt.


-This is the warden!

-What's happening in there?

-Hey, we got some demands!

-Tell them we need

-the air back on.

-We need the AC!

-We've got a hostage:

-the guard.

-We got a hostage!

-The new jack!

-Find out who's in there.

-They got Bob.

-That girl doctor--

-tell him we got her.

-Why don't you do it?

-I don't want to get shot.

-And we got the girl doctor!

- the doctor?

-- There's only one.

-How the hell did that happen?

-How did they get

-their hands on her?

-I thought she was safe.

-She was in Sick Bay.

-We've got to get her out of there.

-Somebody has got to go in there, now.

-- We can't do it, sir.

- Why not?

-It's not by the book.


-I've got some updates for you.



-Scofield's in here?

-He's in here?



-You ain't gonna use that.

-You makin' up the rules now,


-It's my house.

-You got a problem?

-Yeah, I got a problem.

-We all do.

-No problem.

-I swear to God.

-I'm not gonna say anything.

-- I didn't see anything.

-- That's right, badge.

-You didn't see nothing.


-Don't leave.

-Sorry. I'll be back.

-Don't worry.

-I'll cover for you.

-Don't worry, CO, all right?

-I'm not gonna hurt nobody.

-I'm part of the team now.

-Help a brother out.

-Drag that over.

-Cat's away...

-Mm-hmm, hmm, hmm.

-Ladies and gentlemen, please return to

-your seats and fasten your seat belts.

-We are making our final

-approach into Washington, DC.

-We need to focus on

-the real question.

-Who wanted Terrence

-Steadman dead?

-The call came from DC.

-What does that tell you?

-You got to think past the government,


-Anybody could be here.

-A business partner, a rival...

-Before Steadman was killed,

-EcoField introduced a prototype electric

-engine at the techno conference.

-$60 barrels of oil would be obsolete

-if that thing ever hit the mainstream.

-Could be oil, oil companies...

-Suppliers, consumers,

-everything in between.

-Or the government of an

-oil-based economy...

-like the United States.

- can I take your soda?

- Oh, sure.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

-At any rate, we land,

-we meet my guy,

-and even if we don't find the person who

-tipped off the cops, we find his phone.

-The paper trail begins.

-That's the governor.

-Whatever happens,

-don't say anything.


-I appreciate your coming.

-Now, you should know, since our

-conversation, the situation has


-But not to worry, we're making

-good progress with our contacts.

-Just cut the crap, Warden,

-and tell me where

-my daughter is.



-We got a... "Tyler Robert

-Hudson." That is fancy, CO.

-Look at that address:

-144 Oak Park...

-What's this?



-How do you swing that, CO?

-Sounds like you're about

-something living on a... terrace.

-I can't wait to kick it on a terrace.


-Aww... aww...

-This here must be

-your daughter.

-Put it back.


-You know what they say about

-a prom dress, don't you?

-She ain't come home that night,

-did she?

-No, she wore that all....

-night long.

-Next morning

-she had to throw that dress in

-the trash can behind the motel,

-so her mama didn't see the...

-Hey, hey, hey, hey.

-What the hell are you doing?

-I'm just kicking it with Deputy Dawg,

-you know... talking women.

-I'll be very clear here because you

-and I face an evolutionary cap...

-You ain't gonna hurt this man.

-We're locked into this thing now,


-And he's the only

-leverage we have.

- Thank you.

-- You're welcome.


-do we have an understanding?

-I'm on your side now.

-Do you understand me?

-I'm just going with the flow.

-You let me know when you're

-done with your, uh, "leverage."

-Let me out!

-Let's smoke the bitch out!

-It ain't gonna hurt real bad,

-if you make it easy...

-If you make it hard, though...

-Open the door! Come here.

-Come open this door!

-Open this door!

-Come on.

-Grab my hand.

-Come on!

-I've got you.

-You're all right?

-It's okay.

-I'm not gonna hurt you.

-See these pipes?

-We're going to stay on them.

-They go through the wall

-and over the hallway,

-and they're going to

-get us out of here.

-All you have to

-do is follow me.

- Okay?

- Okay.


-Let's go.

-Where did she go?

-Where are we meeting him?


-in a parking garage.

-He's a private investigator.

-He used to be my roommate,

-freshman year at Duke.

-The disturbance has escalated

-at this Chicago-area prison.

-Oh, my God, Nick, look.

-At least two hostages

-have been confirmed

-in what is now being

-called a full-scale riot,

-here at the Fox River

-State Penitentiary.

-Should we go back

-or keep going?

-Just keep going.

-You want to go back and stand there with

-the rest of the people who aren't


-Come on.

-The National Guard responded after

-Illinois Governor Frank Tancredi

-declared a state of emergency

-shortly after 3:00 p.m.

-Come on, honey.

-It's time to go.

-Hold on. Hold on.

-No word on what caused the initial

-disturbance, but sources with the...

-That's not Fox River, is it?

- What are You doing?

- We have to go. Come on.

-No, Dad might be in trouble.

-Look, your father's already in trouble.

-There's nothing we can do about it.

-Just don't make a scene, okay?

-He gets very uncomfortable

-with this thing. Just...

-Let's just go, okay?

-- Oh, God forbid, man!

-- Please!

-We're just talking about my

-old man here and his life.

-If-if that's all

-right with you.

- Leave me out of this.

- I am leaving You out of it.

-I left you out of it

-the day I met you.

-Okay, L.J.

-Because nothing in her life or

-mine has anything to do with you.

-I'm going to pretend

-I didn't hear that.

-Oh, yeah? Or what?

-You see,

-this is what I'm talking about.

-This is the kind of crap

-I have to deal with.

-Just let me handle it!

-The kind of crap you

-have to deal with?

- L.J., do You want to talk...

- Oh!You got No clue, do you?

- Honey, look.

-- Leave me alone!

-- Get off me!

- What the hell are You doing?

-You don't talk to

-her like that.

-Stop it!


-Go upstairs, L.J., now!


- You love that man?

- Just go.

- You love that man.

- do What I say.

-Turk, why are you doing this?

-Who sent you?

-Why? Why?

-Why'd you do this?

-What's it all about?

-Who sent you?

-Man, you've got to help me.

-You've got to help me. Please.


-Who's your friend?

-You scared the hell out of me.

-Who you talking to?

-It's the Fish's idea.

-The devil marks the walls so you

-know where to drill the holes.

-You're making holes

-with an egg beater?

-I know. Crazy, huh?

-It's called the Hooker Law.

-It says that if you poke the exact

-right holes in something big and strong,

-it gets very weak.

-That's true.

-When the wall is weak,

-we can take it down.

-At least that's the plan.

-Yeah. It's always the plan.

-You should never

-underestimate a wall.

-You see...

-sometimes, no matter how hard you try,

-it just won't give in.

-Are you all right?

-I'm okay. I'm fine.

-You know what?

-I need a minute. I'm sorry.

-- It's not much further.

- Just a sec.

-We can stop if you want,

-catch your breath.

-Yeah, I could use a minute.

-Things should be

-winding down around now.

-Pretty soon the powers-that-be

-will break in and...

-it'll all be over.

-It's just a matter of time.

-What's happening anyway?

-All hell is breaking loose.

-But I think if we stay up

-here we should be okay.

-I can't believe

-this is happening.

-You ever been to Baja?

- Mexico?

- No.

-There's this great

-place down there.

-20 bucks a night,

-hammock on the back deck.

-Beers are 50 cents.

-25 cents at happy hour.

-You ever been to Thailand?

-Thailand's great.

-Michael, if you're trying to calm me

-down, you're doing a terrible job.

-But I am trying.

-Shh! You hear that?

- Why are You here?

- What do You mean?

-Crawling around in the ceiling,

-risking your life.

-You needed help, and, uh...

-I came to find you.

-How did you know where to go?

-When everything

-went off in A Wing,

-the COs left the station.

-I saw you on the monitor.

-One of my first assignments on PI,

-we were up here,

-cleaning out toxic mold.

-It took days. So,

-I'm kind of familiar

-with the layout.

-I hope you wore a mask.

-Excuse me?

-To prevent inhalation.

-Mold can be really dangerous.

-Yeah. I wore a mask.

-Get up. Get up there.

-The door to the visitation room,

-did you ever use it?

-Um... not usually,

-but my access card should work.

-Get up. Get up.


-Let's go.

-Let's go!

-Yes, sir, I understand. But believe me,

-Sara is our top priority.

-The hell she is. I ordered a

-state of emergency an hour ago.


-get me your commanding officer.

-Now what the hell is

-going on out here?

-Negotiating, sir.

-They can't hold

-out much longer.


-It is 100 degrees in there.

-They're almost out of water.

-We are trying to avoid

-doing anything extreme.

-Look, I don't care if it takes a

-massacre to get her out of there.

-Do you understand me?

-Now if you're not gonna do it,

-I am!

-Captain, spread the news.

-You're going in.

-It's time to do this my way.

-All right.



-You gonna keep that

-nurse all to yourself?


-Somebody help me.

-Come on, this way!

-Good call, Governor,

-bringing in the big guns.

-I appreciate your support.

-Captain Brad Bellick.

-I sent you a letter earlier this year.

-My views on penal reform.

-Oh. And what are they?

-These inmates don't mess around.

-Us COs need to get tough.

-Warden Pope's a good guy.

-Don't get me wrong.

-But he doesn't understand

-that sometimes

-you got to grab the situation

-by the gonads and take control.

-And is that what you would do,


-Yes, sir,

-that's exactly what I'd do.

-Give me that. Give me that.

-- I don't know...

- Give me that thing.

-Demolition runs in the family.

-The whole trick is pressure.

-Where should I... Here?

- Yeah...

- Good, good.

-You see, you should push hard,

-but not too hard.

-Just like when you, you know.

-Yeah, well,

-you got to be careful, though.

- Yeah, I know it.

- No, I mean it. You...

-One slip,

-and you-you'll hit the gas pipe.

-Gas... pipe?

-Yeah, you know,

-as in pipe that carries the gas.

-We can't go this way.

-We have to.

-There's no other way to Visitation.

-This is it.

-No, it's not.

-- It's back this way.

-- This won't help.

- Trust me.

-- Michael, if you're wrong...

-We don't have time.

-Not too hard.

-Not... too soft.

-When I was her age,

-I had such bad skin.

-Oh! Ooh! Eee!

-Acne they called it.

-Yeah. She looks just like all

-them girls who made fun of me.

-After I kill you,

-I'm gonna crawl out that hole

-and call me up a limousine,

-and me and your baby

-is going to the prom.


-what's the news with Sara?

-We're still trying to find her,


-You don't even

-know where she is?

-We're on it.

-Soon as we do, we'll let you know.

-You should've listened to Captain

-Bellick and gassed the whole block.

-Captain Bellick?

-He's right on the front line.

-He knows what these guys can do.

-You better pray that Sara gets

-out of there in one piece.

-I do, Governor,

-but this is still my prison.

-Whatever happens,

-I take full responsibility. Excuse me.

-It's this way.

-Uh! Yeah.

-Ooh... yes. We're through.

-Time to put this

-theory to the test.

-I guess we start

-chipping away now.

-Right on.

-She's all yours, pal.

-The smell. The sm...

-We did it.

-That's it.

-But I can't leave you here.

-You don't have a choice.

-I'm one of the bad guys, remember?

-Do you see the assailant?

-Number eight, affirmative.

-I've got him in sight.

-What are you going to do?

-Go back to my cell.

-Stay out of the way.

- Michael...

- What?

-They see us.

-You have to go.

-I can't. They'll kill you.

-You go out the door,

-I'll drop to the floor.

-They're sharpshooters, Michael.

-They won't miss.

-That's why you

-can't stay here.

-- What's going on?!

-- I'm coming, Doc!


-Who's this?

-That's my guy.


-Nice ride.

-Yeah, you like that?

-Cop auction. 300 bucks.

-You must be Veronica.

-Whoever tipped off the cops about

-Lincoln Burrows called from this number.

-That wasn't an easy trace.

-I hope you're not too bummed.

-- Why, what's the problem?

-- It's a pay phone.

-This is it,

-11th and Constitution.

-Anyone could have

-made that call.

-Any one of the million people

-who pass through here every day.

-That's empty.

-What about that?

-Federal Energy Commission,

-that's interesting.

-Where you going?

-I'm gonna go see if this

-guy knows what was in there.

-Excuse me.

-Do you know what was

-in that space before?

-Okay, thanks.


-It was the regional headquarters

-for a company called EcoField.

-- Terrence Steadman's company.

-- That's right.

- Hello?

- Veronica?

- Who is this?

-- That's the problem, Veronica.

-You ask too many questions.

-Now I have one for you.

-Is Lincoln Burrows

-really worth it?

-Gove me the phone.

-Who is this?

-Nick Savrinn,

-I just wanted to let you know.

-As of now,

-both of you are dead.

-Come on, let's go.

-Michael! Michael!


-Whoa, whoa, whoa!

-Whoa, whoa, whoa!

-I didn't touch him, man.

-I didn't touch him!

-Ask him!

-Things have changed since we last met.

-Relax, partner.

-I'm in on it now.

-The rabbit plan.

-Know all about it. So does the CO.


-Why'd you take Abruzzi down there?

-I didn't take him down there.

-And the pedophile--

-he thinks he's in!

-- Shut up!

-- Where's Michael?

-Where's Michael?!


-Where have you been?

-All over. Are you all right?

- Yeah, are you?

- Yes. Yes.


-I'm okay. I'm okay.


-She's walking.

-That's a good sign.

-Yeah. Astute observation.

-Maybe you'd like to share

-that with the governor?

-I was tense. I was just...

-Next time you bad-mouth me

-to one of my superiors,

-there are going to be

-serious consequences.

-Do I make myself clear,


- Yes, sir.

- good.


-Sara! Sara!

- Dad?

-- Sara!

-Thank God. Are you all right?

-Are you okay?

-I told you when you took this job, I

-knew something like this was going to


-Didn't I? I knew something

-like this was gonna happen.

-God, Dad, how about,

-I'm happy to see you alive?

-Oh, sweetheart, I just want you to

-see what you're doing to yourself.

-I mean, there is nobody that

-is forcing you to be here.

-I know. Thanks, Dad.

-All right. Clean this mess up.

-What's going on?

-You won't believe it, Fish. We did it.

-We never seen nothing like it.

-Those little "Hooker"

-holes were right on!

-All right, let's get everyone

-out of here, especially him!

-I'm getting him out of here.

-I'm going to take care of him myself.

-- You're not gonna kill him.

-- I'm not coming back here.

-It's over!

-We don't need him no more.

-You're not gonna kill him.

-You so stupid you're gonna let

-him walk out that front door?

-- That ain't for you to decide.

-- After all he's seen?

-- After all he's seen?

- Get up.

-- After all he's seen?

-- Get out!

-Keep your mouth shut.

-Turn left.

-Get out!

-If we have a problem,

-we know where to find you.


-Forget about it.

-Just forget about it, all right?!


-One for the team.

-Okay, so this is the complete

-list of the injured and the dead?

-- And it's the whole list?

- Yeah.

-Thank you very much.

-Oh, thanks.

-Hey, Ron.

-Dr. Tancredi.

-Glad to see you

-made it out alive.

-Yeah, me, too.

- Um, question.

- Mm-hmm.

-Why'd your department

-assign inmates on PI

-to do a toxic mold

-removal project?

-What toxic mold project?

-In the crawlspace in A Wing.

-PI didn't go there.

-We'd never assign

-inmates to do that.

- Okay, sorry.

- No problem.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/176138.html


转 老友记纯英文影评 老友记纯英文字幕

(这次我受一个朋友所托写一篇《老友记》的影评,她要求1500字,我至今没写过这么长的英语文章,不过我还是努力写完了,与大家分享。李晓虎按)Last year, I was told that there was an American TV serialcalled “Friends” that enjoys an

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