转载 歌词翻译 FALLAGAIN珍藏一生的歌曲 fall in love again

[转载]【歌词翻译】FALLAGAIN珍藏一生的歌曲 fall in love again

Fall Again  旧情复燃  Feels like a fire    that burns in my heart    Every single moment that we spend apart  在我们分开的每时每刻,就像有一团火焰 ,在我心里燃烧  I need you around    For every day to start  日日夜夜我渴望你能相伴左右  I haven't left you alone  我从未让你孤单  Something about you, it's there in your eyes  你的一切印刻在你的眼眸  Everything I looking for I seem to find  我能找到所有我需要的答案  All this time away   is killing me inside  过往种种刺痛我的内心  I need your love in my life  我需要你的爱来润色我生命  I wanna spend time till it ends  我愿与你在一起直到天荒地老  I wanna fall with you again  我愿与你旧情复燃  Like we did when we first met  正如初遇一般  I wanna fall with you again  我愿与你旧情复燃    We fought in a battle, but nobody won  爱的“战役”里,我们两败俱伤  Left ourselves a mountain to be overcome  我们之间留下了一座尚需逾越的高山  You can't run away,  你无法逃避  the past is said and done  木已成舟  I need us to carry on  让我们坚持下去  I wanna spend time till it ends  我愿与你在一起直到天荒地老  I wanna fall with you again


Like wedid when we first met

  正如初遇一般  I wanna fall with you again  我愿与你旧情复燃    You try everything    you never thought of before  你尝试了以前从未想过的  When you live, when you love,  当生命继续,爱情依旧  when you give, when you run  当面对付出和逃避  You can always give up some more  你总是放弃  Baby nothing means anything  亲爱的,没有什么可以代表一切  unless you're here to share with me  只有你与我携手共担  I can breathe, I can live  我才能呼吸 才能生存  I can die,I can sleep  我甚至可以死去 可以永远睡去   you are always there in my dreams  那是因为你总是出现在我的梦中  I wanna spend time till it ends  我愿与你一起直到天荒地老  I wanna fall with you again  我愿与你旧情复燃  Like we did when we first met  正如初遇一般  I wanna fall with you again  我愿与你旧情复燃  I wanna spend time till it ends  我愿与你一起直到天荒地老  I wanna fall with you again


  Like we did when we first met

  正如初遇一般  I wanna fall with you again  我愿与你旧情复燃


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/165395.html


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让你忍不住单曲循环的歌曲珍藏篇 单曲循环英文怎么说

让你忍不住单曲循环的歌曲(珍藏篇)创建者:(ⅱ) λξ一生中能够经历多少东西呢?又有多少是能让你一直惦记着从未丢弃的呢?你脑海中又有多少能让你一直单曲循环不舍得丢掉的歌曲?总有那么一首歌,字字句句唱出你的生命故事。无论是快乐苦痛,记忆



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