AS的用法 as用法总结







Don’t speak to him as he drives the car. as time went by,…

As the day went on, the weather got worse. (will/while/since)


As you can see, he is always ready to help others.(非限制性定语从句,“正如,像”)

Please do it as I do.

Do as I told you. (√连词,“按照”) Do like I told you.(×like为介词)

This pen is the same as I lost yesterday.

Although (虽然/尽管)引导的让步状语从句不倒装,只能连接句子,用陈述语序(﹦though.比though.正式)。可与yet, still连用,但不可与but, and, as, even, however连用。

Although he has caught a cold, yet he is working hard.

(though, but/ though, however/ although, and)

though 作连词,引导的让步状语从句可以倒装(﹦as),也可以不倒装(﹦though)。不可与but同时连用,但后面可用yet, still。

Even if ﹦even though (虽然,即使) as if ﹦as though(仿佛,好像) She closed her eyes as though she were tired.

He is better, though not yet cured.他好多了,虽然仍未痊愈。

Though 还可以作副词“可是,不过”,一般放在句末。

He is looking fit, though .但他看起来很健康。

It’s hard work, I enjoy it ,though. …,可是我还是喜欢/乐意干。

He will probably say no, it’s worth trying, though他很有可能不同意,但不妨去试一试。

He said he would come, he didn’t though.

Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isn’t it rather risky though? (also/too/either)在结冰的运动场上玩听起来很有趣,然而,是不是太危险了呢?

You keep on coughing. What’s the matter?- Oh. I’ve got a cold. Nothing serious, though.(yet/indeed/anyway)

Although he was old, yet he worked hard.

Although / though she is smart, she doesn’t study hard.

Although / though he studied hard, he failed the exam.

Though it was late, we decided to ser out.

Unsatisfied though he was with the payment. He took the job just to get some work experience. (though was he / he was though / was he though)


Although / though the boy wanted to help me cook the dinner, he was actually in the way(碍事).


Smart as/though she is, she doesn’t study hard.

Although / though he is a child, he knows a lot.

Child as he is, he knows a lot/he did quite well.尽管他是个孩子,他却懂得很多/…。

Hard as/though he works, he can’t catch up with his classmates.

Tired as they were, the students went on practicing.

Shortest as he is, he is the richest of the three. (形容词最高级前去the)

Fastest as he ran. He still didn’t catch the train.

Fail as I did, I would try again.尽管我失败了,但我还是要再试一试。

Much as I like it, I won’t buy it, for it’s too expensive.


Try as he might, he couldn’t find a job.不管他怎样努力,他还是找不到工作。

Come as he may, he will not help us.

Try as she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open. (if/since/when)

Strange as it might sound, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.

( Strange as might it sound / as strange it might sound / as it might sound strange)

Poor as/though he is, he’s happy.

such as/like &for example (例如)

such as常用来列举一类事物。常用句型:名词(,)+ such as + 被列举事物

such + 名词 + as + 被列举事物

Sweet foods, such as chocolate can make you fat.

From animals we can get such materials as wool, milk, leather and furs.

He bought such things as pens and dictionary in the supermarket.

English is also spoken in many other countries, such as /like South Africa, Singapore and Malaysia.

I like drinks such as tea and coffee.我喜欢喝茶和咖啡之类的饮料。

We have to learn many subjects, such as Chinese, math, English and so on.

for example通常只举一例,为插入语,其后常用逗号隔开,可以位于句首、句中、句末。放在句首,后加逗号;放在句中,前后均加逗号。

I’d like to keep a pet, for example, a dog.

Noise, for example, is a kind of pollution.

He likes sports very much ,for example , swimming and skating.

His spelling is terrible! Look at this, for example.他的拼写太糟了,比如看这个。

所列举事物的数量若等于前面所提事物的总和,则用that is (to say) 或namely。

She can speak 4 languages, namely Chinese, English, French and Russian.

AS的用法 as用法总结
I have 3 good friends, that is, John, Jack and Tom.

such… as 中,as引导一个定语从句,在句中作主语、宾语。


Such women as know Tom thought he was charming.


He is such a good teacher as all of us like and respect.


David is such a good boy as all the teachers like. (that/ who/as/whom)

He is such a lively boy that everyone likes him.(that引导一个结果状语从句)

He is such a good teacher that we all like him. (that引导一个结果状语从句)

such修饰名词时,such与名词之间可接不定冠词a/an。但all, any, many, some, no等要在such之前。

I’ve heard of some such rumors.

All such possibilities should be considered,所有这些可能性都得考虑

no such +单数名词

There is no such person here.

As I know, there is no such car in this neighborhood.

(no a, not such, no such a. no = not a/an/any)



So tired was he that he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

So excited was he that he could not say a word.

So small was the mark(标记) that I could hardly see it.

So cold was the weather that he had to stay at home.

So much homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.(too little/much, so little)

So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.

= the moon was so bright that the flowers were bright as by day.



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