关于"Would(just)assoon"的用法 i d just as soon

有一道选择题:I'd just as soon _______ rudely to her . A. that you won't speak B.your not speaking C. you not speak D. you hadn't spoken E. youdidn't speak正确的选择是:E先看下面的两个例句:1. I would just as soon stay at home.我宁愿呆在家里.(与不带to的动词不定式连用时,表示一般可实现的愿望)2. I would as soon youdid't tell me aboutthat.我宁愿你不曾告诉我这件事.(与从句连用时,从句的谓语用过去式,表明是虚拟语气)表示愿望的用法还有:1. Iwould (just) as soon stay at home as gofor a walk.我与其去散步还不如呆在家里的好.2. I'd sooner you did itthan I.我宁愿你去做这项工作. 这种由as soon,sooner表示"选择"的语句,往往带有以as ,than引导的从句,含有"与其...不如..."的意思.3. I wouldrather leave the posts vacant than fill them with inferior men.宁缺毋滥

4. I would as lief go there as anything.到那儿去我是再乐意不过的了.




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