打电话 英文情景对话 英文电话情景对话阅读



(A:Robert B:Peter C:Mike)


B:Hello.Is that Mike?

A:No,this is Robert,his brother,speaking.

B:Oh hello,Robert.This is Peter.How are you?

A:Fine,thanks,and you?

B:I'm very well.Is Mike there?

A:Yes.I'll go get him.

C:Hello.Mike speaking.

B:Hello.Mike?This is Peter speaking.I'm so glad I've got holdof you at last.

C:Were you trying to get in touch with me,Peter? I'm off to-day.

B:That's good to know.Listen,Mike,I've got news for you.

C:What is it?

B:My sister Jane is coming back from America.

C:That's great.When is she coming back?

B:Next weekend.

C:Next weekend?OK.And I want to know how long she willstay here this time.

B:About a week. Let's get together tonight and plan a party forher.

C:All right.I'll come to your place at 8 o'clock.

B:Good.I'll be waiting for you.

C:See you later.


打电话 英文情景对话 英文电话情景对话阅读


(A:Roland B:Mr.Zhang)

A:Hello.May I speak to Mr.Zhang?


A:Hi,Mr.Zhang.This is Roland.Miss Lee telephoned.She askedme to ask you if you would be able to meet her today at 3∶30p.m.

B:Sorry,but I'll have a meeting then.Please tell me her call num-ber and I'll explain it to her personally.

A:Miss Lee said she would not be in her office this afternoon,butyou can page her.

B:What is the number of her beeper?

A:It's 6594968-99806.

B:Fine.Thanks for the message.Good-bye.



(A:Stan Summers B:Carl Mattlews)


B:Hello.Can I speak to stan Summers,please?


B:Oh.Mr.Summer.You don't know me,but this is Carl Mat-tews.I'm calling on behalf of Dave Kennedy.

A:Oh.So you're a friend of Dave's.How is he anyway?

B:oh,he's doing well and will be promoted again.

A:That's good to hear.Carl,what are you doing in New York?

B: Dave and I are attending a conference at the Hilton untilThursday.And Dave is busy now.So he gave me your tele-phone number and let me give you a call.He wants to know ifyou will have any time at all to got together tonight or Thurs-day evening.

A:Well,tonight there's a banquet I have to go to.But Thursdayevening I'm free.

B:Good.Thursday evening.And what time would suit you best?

A:Seven-thirty would be good for me.

B:Yes,that's fine.So that's 7∶30 p.m.on Thursday at Hilton.

I'll book the table.And my room's 2120.Dave's is 2122.Youcan call us from the lobby and I'll come down.

A:Fine.I'm looking forward to it!

B:Me,too.See you on Thursday,then.

A:Please say hello to Dave for me and thank you so much for call-ing me.Good-bye.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/241861/145395656.html


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